All Aboard! : Wake Up, Smell the Trumpening, Quit Yer B!tching, and Put on Your Big Boy Pants, Punks – IOTW Report

All Aboard! : Wake Up, Smell the Trumpening, Quit Yer B!tching, and Put on Your Big Boy Pants, Punks

[A long comment that is crude, rude, and chock full of truthiness…. ] Gerard Van der Leun

ht/ wiscodave


11 Comments on All Aboard! : Wake Up, Smell the Trumpening, Quit Yer B!tching, and Put on Your Big Boy Pants, Punks

  1. This needs to be said. In his style or more eloquent. Either way. shout it out.

    BTW, right side broadcasting shows each Trump speech. Almost every one of them (and there were 4 in 5 days i think) all have 40,000 views to over 100,000 views each. From Prescott AZ, Pueblo and Loveland to Florida.

  2. The reason Trump is popular escapes and scares liberals.

    He doesn’t owe any Washington elites a damn thing. He is squeaky clean compared to them. They are just swirling dust storms trying to find anything to pull him down; even paying ‘bounties’ and breaking laws for dirt.

    My Hilary loving sister is so mystified about Trump’s attraction that she bought a book, J. D. Vance’s “Hillbilly Elegy”, to ‘help her understand’ Trump voters. The height of liberal arrogance, once again. “Deplorables basket”. What elitist hogwash! They wish that was the answer.

  3. My gal ran off from here in w Texas to catch Trump’s speech in Pueblo-if I do say so myself, she knows an Alpha male when she see one. The Sweaty Thumb ain’t one, he’s a fucking cuck if there ever was one. Same with Shapiro and Kristol, both walking betas.

    Trump is a winner and makes no bones about it. Remember Romney’s embarrassment at his wealth? Pitiful-he might be a great guy but that shit rankles me. Trump OTOH is proud of what he’s accomplished despite the unwavering attacks on him. I honestly believe he’s not doing this for the power but instead he is sick of this nightmare.

    Another thing is certain and that’s Ryan, McConnell will not work with him-you can bet your ass the UniParty will simply bide it’s time, continue the attacks on Trump and try & run out the clock.

    I’m watching the VP debate now and I already fucking hate Kaine-what an asshole-I see his game plan is to interrupt every time Hillary’s crimes and malfeasance is brought up. So far Pence has been way fucking too polite.

  4. @flip

    I really doubt she is ‘looking for answers’. She, like most liberals just wants me to think that SHE has made the intelligent choice.

    Her answer to any question I bring up re Hilary’s malfeasance, are typical lib! ‘Surely, you don’t really believe that!’ Said, of course, dripping with the slime of haughtiness. It is amazing.

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