Listen: Donald Trump Releases Statement Following Release of 2005 Lewd Audio – IOTW Report

Listen: Donald Trump Releases Statement Following Release of 2005 Lewd Audio

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Donald Trump published a video message on his Facebook feed early Saturday morning following the release of an audio recording from 2005 where Trump made lewd comments captured on a hot microphone. Trump’s comments to chuckling Access Hollywood anchor Billy Bush were published Monday afternoon by The Washington Post.


34 Comments on Listen: Donald Trump Releases Statement Following Release of 2005 Lewd Audio

  1. You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it,
    you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
    The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
    a broken and contrite heart,
    O God, you will not despise.
    Psalm 51:16-17

  2. I believe he was goofing around trying to act like a stud. He’s a loudmouth. But I didn’t need an apology for it because it was a long time ago and because it’s not criminal. Others who don’t know much about him may need to hear this and so I guess this apology is good.

    If Bill had apologized for his behavior and the rapes and if Hillary hadn’t trashed those women, broke laws and blamed a vast right wing conspiracy… Nah, they’d never do it. they’re just two greasy, criminal people.

  3. So, any guesses what Trump’s debate prep is now? Are they rapidly building him a set and hiring someone to play Hillary?

    Did Hillary taken into account how the release of this tape would affect Melanie or Ivanka? Nope. War on
    Women is fine if she lands in the White House.

    What he said was “inartful” that excuse seems to work for the Left! Why not?

  4. I am having a bloody cow over this. Did Donald Trump let four Americans die from their government’s neglect? Did Donald Trump put secrets of our nation’s security on an unsecured server? And what is worse, Trump acting like a frat boy in his comments about women, or Hillary actively trying to impede the civil rights of Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, etc.?

    Trump is right, this smear is meant as solely as a distraction. The next debate is set for T minus 36 hors, 12 minutes. Hillary, obviously, will be out for blood. Well, I say bring it, bitch. TOMORROW is when Trump will land every punch with the utmost power and precision.

    They’ll be caring her fat, lying ass out on a stretcher.

    Let me go harass Hillary on Twitter. That smug, stick-up-her-ass bitch.

  5. A bell cannot be un-rung. The media will ring this bell again and again as much as necessary to make Trump unelectable. These are pure Alinsky tactics and they are working. The dems are fighters, while the GOP runs and hides. All they need to accomplish is to depress turnout for Trump. It is only Oct 8. There will be more incoming.

  6. Over at the American Spectator(I ain’t linking) fucking Ben Stein, out of his mind with his Beverly Hills Mental Illness, says Trump(sadly not his pick in the first place, nor his second or third….) should withdraw and let Pence carry forward.

    What a fucking asshole-I note that comments are closed too.

    These #neverTrump scumbags can FOAD. They are in essence actively promoting the election of Hillary-Untuckingbelievable.

  7. Trump’s statement was masterful.
    Took responsibility. Admitted it was wrong. Apologized. Then talked about how every day Americans have helped him become a better man.
    Then reminded everyone about Bill Clinton actually sexually assaulting women and Hillary bullying the women to cover it up.
    Well done. Hillary fails. This will blow over. Especially is a lot of comment on news sites, etc. If this was Hillary’s October surprise, it’s pretty weak.

  8. So the fight to save our country is over, its not worth it, the mountain of problems and threats have become meaningless because of Trump liking pussy?? I dont think so…

    We should live with pipe bombs and mass stabbings as a way of life because Trump admires a hot piece of ass at a Hollywood pussyfest?? I dont think so.

    If he was a homo talking about cock with Anderson Pooper they would be ecstatic.

    If you cant handle this, wait till he builds the wall and starts shipping the muslime filth out. Pull up your diapers and buckle in… the deception and distractions are in high gear.

    Hillary is a crook and Bill is a rapist.

  9. My hatred of the phony crooked Bush clan has grown beyond my own belief. Bush 2 had me fooled after 9/11 I must admit. But knowing what I know now about old man CIA Bush and Dopey # 2 and his real relationship with Hitlery and Huma, Colin Powell the fraud, the phony rigged bailouts… I despise them. They are the “republican” Kennedys less a few publicized rapes and drug overdoses and suicides.

    The Bush’ are truly enemies of America. A worthless clan, mired in a history of deception, backroom dealing with the enemy from WW2 and the NAZIS up to today with the Saudi scum that blew us up on 9/11.

    We all had this sincere affinity for Dopey # 2 because of his percieved leadership after the attacks. You remove that fraudulent chapter from their record and they amount to bags of shit. Never forhet what CIA Bush said and did to Ronald Reagan whom he hated and despised in reality. Fuck them all.

  10. The Dems are playing “Casablanca”: they’re “shocked! SHOCKED!” at what Trump said, all while ignoring what Bill and Hillary DID. They are such hypocrites: they force deviant art and culture on the rest of us, then turn around and pretend to be “offended” when someone normal says something indelicate; they promote homosexuality and its perversions on American culture, but are disgusted with normal heterosexual drives? THAT’S sick!

    And, after all: what’s the big deal? We already have a President who likes to be grabbed in his man-pussy.

  11. Paul Ryan’s wimpy little mug is all over the news. Can’t stand him and pretending how offended by Trump he is. He has been waiting for this so he can campaign against Trump openly. You don’t see Ryan’s knickers in a twist about Hillary’s lies and crimes. It is obvious. The rinos are in on it with Hillary 100%. Follow the money. This is all about power and money.

  12. Gee Wally, he used a word that comes outta Hollywood every minute not to mention the Clinton camp! The important thing is where he is going to take the country.
    Bill Clinton: a draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, woman-beating, rapist, masturbating, cigar-dipping pervert, finger wagging liar, self-centered, self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, power hungry, money grubbing, influence pedaling sleaze-bag thief who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred and will forever be known as the low-life bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll that dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas Outhouse while traveling around the world personally cashing in on selling the United States of America to the highest bidder!

    Hillary Clinton: Bill’s deceitful, duplicitous, self-serving, money-grubbing, power-hungry, attack-bitch, and criminal business partner who enabled, covered for and participated along with him through Travelgate, Whitewater, Castle Grande, Madison Guarantee, Cattle Futures, Pardons for criminals, under the table ChiCom cash, Charlie Trie, the Riadies, Rich, Sandy Burgler, having an administration with the most convictions and guilty pleas, a Cabinet full of officials under criminal investigations as well as the longest line of real victims anyone has ever left in their wake. For well over a quarter of a century the famous Clinton dishonesty and skullduggery has been on full display for everyone to see and is only exceeded by their unbridled greed and lust for money and absolute power and we’re worried about the word “Pussy”???

  13. Even as a Conservative woman, I was not shocked. I saw the birth of “Feminism” and watched how it has literally destroyed civilization (yes, I tried bra-less, but not for long). Fems would ordinarily LOVE Trump’s words, no? If it had been Billy Clinton on the recording, they’d dream about being his next lover. I’m voting AGAINST HRC, period.

  14. It hasn’t changed my mind. I get these polls from .gov, and took one this morning and it mentioned the sex tape. I said it didn’t change my mind about Trump. But this is a first. The question was “How would you describe Hillary Clinton to someone who has never heard of her?” Oh boy! I used up all my allotted words and they weren’t nice. I’m sure the person reading my response had to take a shit after reading it. 🙂

    Go Trump!

  15. Ironic that this gem pops up right after Trump says he doesn’t want to get into the gutter. As a woman it doesn’t shock me this conversation happened among two men. It was clearly meant to be a private affair. He needed to address it and he did it well. Now can Hillary explain her speech comments, that she has done everything in her power to keep us from hearing?

  16. Czar, I’m starting to think Trump released it. Think about where this ends up durring the debates. If they try and argue this point or bring it up at the debate the gloves are off. Hillarys toast.

  17. Remember when Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd ganged up on a woman just trying to feed her family by waiting tables at La Brasserie with their signature “waitress sandwich” move in 1985, while their dates were in the bathroom? Neither does Hillary.

  18. BB, I know what you mean (about consequences at the debate), but I doubt it…that’s why the notion of Bush/Romney/et al sounds more credible:

    …they’re hateful-yet-dumb enough to do something damaging, yet can’t think it through to see they’ve just shot themselves in the foot (and I think Hillary’s Team is sliiiiightly smarter/more sensitive in that arena, and wouldn’t have opened that door).

    In any case, it’s gonna be one heckuva debate!
    (though, I thought it was a Town Hall style event?)

  19. First headline over at Fox News is how some GOPers are disavowing Trump over this. Buried way down is a headline about how Hillary wants open trade and open borders and Dimmy Kaine saying state boundaries are just dotted lines. I am so done with Fox News. They are now just another member of the MSM.

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