Wiki Hillary Bombshell Revelations That No One Cares About – IOTW Report

Wiki Hillary Bombshell Revelations That No One Cares About

CommonCents –

Via Reddit.  What bombshells are in those just released Wikileaks emails?  Some of this is very, very interesting.  Do you think the Main Stream Media will look into any of this?  PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!!

We need YOUR help to dig through all this.

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  • EMAILID 2170 Attachment How to make $8 Million campaign debt disappear for Hillary? For example by “renting voter and donor information lists” from the Hillary 2008 campaign. Renting them with other organizations that they control, thus funneling money back into the campaign to cancel the debt. This was outlined in a memo, but they actually did it. With HillPAC for example (investigated by a journalist at The Intercept).
  • EMAILID 2783 Hillary took foreign money. The implication through Huma is she knew about it and solicited it. FARA stands for the Foreign Actors Registration Act Huma said…”we had decided to accept it wanted to know who the individuals are and (Hillary) wants to weigh in”
  • EMAILID 2676 Probably the moment when they figured out how to destroy all of the emails: “When I worked for the leadership we had a records retention policy to actively destroy all emails after 3 or 6 months. Each office made up its own policy. ” So if you just change your policy to something “made up”, you get to destory all the evidence after the fact. BLEACHBIT TIME
  • EMAILID 3154 Discussion about the emails. Should Hillary make a joke about the emails? She shouldn’t because “We don’t know what’s in the emails, so we are nervous about this. Might get a big laugh tonight and regret it when content of emails is disclosed. “- Mandy Grunwald . Better not to joke about the “emails” (turns out the email case was really about how she exposed classified TOP SECRET/SAP information through the “emails” to the following people: Combetta, Pagliano, all of her lawyers, all of Platte River Network maybe a few janitors. )
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7 Comments on Wiki Hillary Bombshell Revelations That No One Cares About

  1. What about Hillary’s Wikicomment that Blacks are basically losers who stay at the bottom no matter what one does for them? She said that Jews, Chinese, among some others rise to the top.

  2. Marka – don’t forget about the Sandniggers…
    Hillary will say anything, steal anything, sell anything and do anything for money and power. Forty six years ago the Helldabeast left her scruples, morals, honesty and Granny glasses next to an ashtray of smoked roaches left on top of her Saul Alinsky thesis and the book of Karl Marx beside the lava lamp on the flower-power night stand!

  3. Every time a reporter asks a question of a Republican,Conservative or regular citizen they should answer thusly… Well,my response to your biased and deceptive inquiry my mendacious fawning liberal toady is “what difference does it make” matter what the truth is you’ll just twist it to fit you masters lies. Every response should include the words liar and or make reference to their incestuous relationship with the left. If right wing elected officials did this constantly along with common citizens and made the media prove it was fair and balanced we might be able to reach the low information voter.
    Remember, ridicule and shame are,for most people, behavior modifies. Witness the last six decades. Isolate your target and freeze it. Make it an object of derision,a pariah.

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