Tread Lightly With This One— Anonymous Claims There’s a Video Of Bill Clinton Raping an Underage Girl – IOTW Report

Tread Lightly With This One— Anonymous Claims There’s a Video Of Bill Clinton Raping an Underage Girl

Via Gateway Pundit.

This sounds complicated and convoluted and a little “out there.” And the writing is borderline incoherent. (It’s a Russian translation.)

The danger with reporting this stuff is that if nothing comes of it, it tends to cast doubt on other allegations.

But, here goes—>

A stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the entire US presidential election is nearing an “explosive crisis” over a secretly made Israeli intelligence video recording showing former President Bill Clinton raping a 13-year-old girl child that Hillary Clinton has kept hidden from public knowledge with help from the American propaganda mainstream media—but by her embroiling Donald Trump in her husbands sex crimes now threatens it being released. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, the video recording of Bill Clinton raping this 13-year-old girl child was “created/engineered” by Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (MOSSAD) “Clothing Shop Network” (Магазин/одежды/חנות בגדים) whose main “organizer/facilitator” is the “international money man of mysteryJeffery Epstein—and who is now being called “The Billionaire Pedophile Who Could Bring Down Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton”.

HT/ Kpark.

22 Comments on Tread Lightly With This One— Anonymous Claims There’s a Video Of Bill Clinton Raping an Underage Girl

  1. I won’t believe it until I see it. They also claimed Trump was going to announce at the debate the tape was doctored with proof. Didn’t happen. But I also would not doubt that someone or some government turned the tables and got some Clinton dirt for a rainy day. But why announce it, just dump it.

  2. Anonymous. Could be any Guy Fawkes masked basement dweller to 4chan troll with an electro larynx. As soon as I hear Israeli intelligence sources my BS meter kicks in.
    I can’t recall an Anonymous event that turned out to be valid.

    But then again, this election is so bizarre and this story is so convoluted it probably is true!

  3. I have often thought the Chinese did a Godfather 2 on Bill Clinton. Remember the scene where the Gov of Nevada just happens to wake up in a hotel owned by the Corleone family with a dead hookers blood all over him? Yah,no memory of what happened looking at a bleak future when all of sudden a Chinese diplomat just happens to arrive to assure him that “no problem,this pre pubescencent girls death means nothing between friends,just let this be our little secret..oh,you know we could use some help with our ballistic program.I mean what are friends for?” But of course in the real world of geopolitics that would never happen right?

  4. I also have seen it discussed. The source for the video is allegedly Jeffrey Epstein himself in the story i saw, who secretly taped his guests doing their fetishes with under aged girls on the Lolita Island. It was to be insurance for future use/blackmail. Perhaps the intelligence operatives in other countries knew and could acquire proof. Who knows?? Until i see the proof, its just another rumor.

  5. Epstein is a pig. I don’t doubt for one second that he would tape these liasons. He has also been linked to Prince Andrew who has a thing for younger females and others. Taping would be his insurance. I pray that he was hacked as well. Damn, a WJC violating a 13 yr old would be something else. An authentic video of this might just give him a fatal heart attack and the bitch gets dumped alongside Huma.

  6. Where’s there smoke…

    I can only hope. It would be delicious that the dem candidate, FOR ONCE, gets taken out with an Oct Surprise.

    I can’t imagine the Hillary campaign doing this as some kind of false flag as it only brings attention to Bill’s numerous flights to Rape Island(or whatever the fuck it’s called)

  7. Not buying it for a second, but I’m sure the LoFo crowd is spreading this around and wondering.

    Anything that increases the awareness that WJC is associated with Epstein and a frequent visitor to Lolita Island is a positive. Exposes the pervert and his actions even more.

  8. I prayed a day before the Obama ERECTION video that God would unearth a damaging video on a big dem and BAM! The Messiah himself was caught on tape (CNN’s no less!) actually sexualy harassing women! Now this tape has been around a while but nice to see it POP UP again. 🤓

    Now I’ll pray this is true and Anonymous makes our day.

  9. We know enough about Bill Clinton that nobody seems to doubt he did these things.

    Did Epstein tape these activities? Ask the question the other way around: why would he not have? Moral scruples? Lack of opportunity/resources? Not interested? I think the probability tapes of this general kind exist approaches 100%.

    Did someone else get ahold of one starring Billy Goat? Who knows? Someone motivated and brave enough to release it to the public? Who knows? If you had one would you do that or sell it to the highest bidder? Wouldn’t such a bidder be far more likely to be someone wanting to suppress it at least for the time being? The stakes are awfully high and would only go up later. I predict we won’t see any such thing before November.


  10. My hope is that, when all the dust settles, finally, Trump is president and all the lying duplicity and hypocrisy are wiped away and America has a new beginning. ….Lady in Red

  11. I am sure epstein has all of the visitors on tape, if for no other reason than to protect his sorry ass if he ever got in trouble and you can see by his light sentence that it was in play at his sentencing.

  12. That’s what I like about BFH, ‘Tread Lightly’. Amen to that.
    Wouldn’t it be illegal to possess this in the US. If it it’s real
    This sounds like a total ‘gotcha’ scenario.

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