Candidate Feingold Expects A President Hillary To Erode Gun Rights – IOTW Report

Candidate Feingold Expects A President Hillary To Erode Gun Rights

Once considered a sure bet to take back his senate seat, candidate Russ Feingold (WI-D) has a lot of explainin’ to do to the redneck, gun-clutching voters of his flyover state.

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has released a video from a silicon valley fundraiser where the candidate remarks that he expects President Hillary Clinton to issue executive orders to “close the gun show loophole and impose liability on gun manufacturers.”


13 Comments on Candidate Feingold Expects A President Hillary To Erode Gun Rights

  1. “close the gun show loophole and impose liability on gun manufacturers.”
    Cali’s pretty close on the liability issue. If you manufacture select fire weapons you are required to have a big ass bond or insurance on each and every weapon for 30 years.

    As far as the Gun Show Loophole I wish somebody would challenge one of these asshole to try and go buy a gun at a gun show without going through a back ground check. It sure as hell won’t happen in Cali.

  2. @bad Brad. Or Virginia or anywhere else. It’s an empty talking point. So is confiscation. No sheriff who knows the lay of the land and the constitutional prerogative of the second amendment wants their supporters put in a position of sending out deputies to try to confiscate.

    Shit’ll escalate and blow sky high instantly.

    So frankenfeinstein can exercise her pie hole all she wants and frankenfeingold can play bobblehead all he wants. They are pandering and they know that fucking ugly will be unleashed if they ever try to go there.

    As an aside…. when did American Jews like Feinstein and feingold get to be so totalitarian?

  3. ‘gun show loophole’ = libtard trigger mechanism
    there is no such thing as a ‘gun show loophole’ … all venders in all states are required to use a background check in selling firearms

  4. Can someone get the name of the Venture Fund and who it has seeded capital to? It’s time to do to these A****** what happened to South Africa back in the eighties! Seriously, just watch the NFL right now! They are loosing tons of money because of Colin Kaepernick and his crap! Time to make these people bleed in the wallet!

  5. “As far as the Gun Show Loophole I wish somebody would challenge one of these asshole to try and go buy a gun at a gun show without going through a back ground check”

    Brad, You know damn well it’s not about gun shows and is about any transfer of guns between individuals. Private sales and gifts are what they want to kill. Father-son, Friend-friend, stranger-stranger.

    The only way it can be implemented is through registration of all firearms. No register? FELON when they catch you with an unregistered gun!

    This would be the coup de grâce of gun control. It sounds so COMMON SENSE though when described as a “gun show loophole”.


    This can NEVER BE!

  6. Dadof4, You’re missing the point. An FFL, a legitimate gun dealer or manufacture, that has paid to attend the gun show is not going to transfer a weapon without a back ground check. What happens in the parking lot is not part of the gun show. An infringement yes I agree.

  7. Last weekend I toured Wisconsin.

    In nearly 800 miles up and down 39/51, I saw one Hellery sign. I however saw dozens of Trump signs. I stopped in all the liberal places along the way, Stevens Point, Wausau, Minoqua and Madison (no wait, fuck that, I know better than to go to Madison).

    The stupidest sign I saw along the way?


    WTF? Hellery doesn’t even have balls big enough to just call her campaign, “Hillary.”

    This Russ fcuktard must be a real winner.

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