Why Is Paul Ryan Eager To Throw Trump Under the Bus? – IOTW Report

Why Is Paul Ryan Eager To Throw Trump Under the Bus?

The reason Paul Ryan, and other RINOs, do not want Trump to win is easy to ascertain says Karl Denninger of Market Watch:

The Truth About GOPe Abandoning Trump.
Let’s cut the crap eh?

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Reince, John McCain and the others are not upset about Trump’s foul mouth.

That’s yet another lie.

Here’s the truth:

They know damn well that last year alone the House and Senate, both of which are Republican, presided over, passed and spent at a level that generated a $1.4 trillion deficit.

Let me remind you that all revenue bills must originate in the house.  The President may not spend one dollar that has not been allocated by Congress.

It is a fact that the government ran a $1.4 trillion dollar deficit in the fiscal year ending September 30th.  Read the link for the documentation; the MTS showing exactly where that went will be out Tuesday, and I will be reporting on it.

Here is the problem: If Trump wins the election then both Houses of Congress and the Presidency will be carried by Republican majorities.

This means they will have nobody to blame for what is a certain fiscal and economic crack-up that will come during the next President’s term on the path we are on now and which none of them intend to change.

If Hillary is in office they can blame her just like they blame Obama now, even though, as noted, the Constitution requires all revenue bills to originate in the House and the President cannot spend one dime without a Congressional appropriation.

However, the people of this nation are either too stupid, too ignorant or have their face stuffed too far up a social media site’s ass to pay attention to this fact and demand that it stop before the federal government blows up on a budgetary level, before our economy blows up and before all of our asset markets — stocks, bonds, housing, all of it — go up in smoke with losses that could easily reach 90%.

THAT is what is coming, it is likely coming during the next President’s term and the GOPe knows it.

If it happens when the GOP controls all three portions of the bill-passing mechanism in the United States they will own it and have it tattooed all over their bodies and will not be able to blame it on anyone else.

That is why the “outrage” now, when it is being widely reported that Paul Ryan along with others in the Republican Party knew that leaked audio recording from Trump existed months if not years ago.

The issue is not a leaked audio recording from 10 years ago.

It’s their mortal fear of being hung, either politically or literally, when the economy and federal government collapse on their watch and as a directconsequence of their actions with no way to blame anyone else.

20 Comments on Why Is Paul Ryan Eager To Throw Trump Under the Bus?

  1. It is high time for Washington D.C. fear the people. We are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore! If they had any sense they would welcome a President Trump, he could at least provide some hope that the federal government might get on the right track. With a Hillary presidency there will be a certainty that we are screwed, and if we feel we are screwed one way or another there will be hell to pay by the traitors that put us here. Remember the Ceausescu’s.

  2. No matter what this guy says, this ALSO Obama’s economy. The question is why would the Republican give him everything he wanted despite being elected to do the opposite.

  3. I predict when President Trump assumes office and the SHTF (and that’s WHEN not IF) there will be a mass exodus from Washington of many pols “retiring to spend more time with their family”.

  4. Trump had nothing and will have nothing to do with this. You know it and I know it. This will land squarely at the feet of RINO majority. Trump and “we the people” will take these bastards down, for there is absolutely no differentiation between them and the democrates.

  5. I disagree with you’re proposition. I don’t think the opposition to Trump is to avoid blame for the souring economy, its more because they fear their own corruption will be exposed.

  6. Wrong! What they are really afraid of is Trump enforcing an Executive Order to eliminate Lobbys and Lobbyists and forcing these bastards to work for their respective constituents.
    They gravy train will come to a screeching halt.

  7. We’ve already passed the point of no return fiscally. The bubble is going to burst big.

    If Clinton gets in – delayed explosion.
    If Trump gets in – immediate collapse.

    Maybe a fiscal reality check is what Trump will bring. Time for the world to take its medicine.

    The millennials are gonna drop like flies; some from incompetence and some from lack of their mothers basement. Those of us that have sacrificed fun in place of work and toil are going to make it through to the other side.

    It’ll be a time where people will get around again by horse and carriage, but I’ll endure the smell of horseshit of the real kind opposed to the bullshit of the political kind.

    The Holy Bible refers to a time that suffers from a weapon of indignation. Could that weapon come in the form of an EMP?

    Ever heard of a Faraday cage? Better study up.

  8. And this coming from Denninger who voted for Obama! Yep, he voted for Obama and urged all of his readers to do the same. Yesterday DH and I voted for Trump. Proud to say so too.

  9. A couple thoughts. Wall Street and Main Street are no longer connected. We might very well see the collapse of Wall Street and some financial institutions. Boo Hoo. That doesn’t mean manufacturing won’t start spooling the day after a President Trump were elected. Seen it happen with Reagan. Virtually all capital is sitting on the side lines drawing 1.3% interest. With the promise of the repeal of Obamacare, deregulation of just about everything,renegotiated trade deals, lower taxes, repatriated capital, etc etc, we will be shocked at how fast that money jumps off the side lines.

  10. This is the main reason I am voting for Trump. When the collapse happens we need somebody who understands money and debt.
    I truly understand that he knows that there is no difference between printing money and defaulting on debt.
    One happens out in the open the other robs you while you sleep.

  11. The GOP and the Left are fingers on the same dark hand.
    They can never close the lid on Freedom as long as America exists.
    Ryan just wants deniability, and the crash to happen on GOP watch

  12. BB is right. There are trillions of $$’s just hunkered down right now. Not just American $$’s, but foreign investors as well who know we have an underemployed work force that is still considered well-educated and hard-working by global standards. And we’re hungry for work and achievement.

  13. SCREW the “blame” NONSENSE!!!

    It’s as bad as the #NeverTrumpers who promote HILLARY…
    …ONLY because their Second Cumming in “Cruz 2020”
    will make everything alright….

    for the upcoming “CRASH”:
    (…whether it is national/global economic, national/global political, national/global war, and so on and so forth)

    This is ONLY the BEGINNING!!!

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