Matt Drudge Tweets a Promise That Hillary is About “To Get Hers” – IOTW Report

Matt Drudge Tweets a Promise That Hillary is About “To Get Hers”


39 Comments on Matt Drudge Tweets a Promise That Hillary is About “To Get Hers”

  1. As long as it doesn’t have graphic shots of her naked! Suicide is a sin in my religion, but I would have to off myself and hope G-D understood. Weeellll,on the other hand it might make a good screen saver. Depending on how degrading it portrayed her..

  2. Himmm, very interesting. The Drudge Report app I used to use, all of a sudden went down. Every report had an error message. That was about two days ago. I deleted it and go directly to the website, now. The flying monkeys have been busy.

  3. Under a #Bitch45 Administration, we aggregators and bloggers are going down. We might as well go for broke in the next few of months. Shoot the Moon!

    An unnamed SCOTUS Justice told Matt, “Your days are numbered.” Matt replied, “Sobeit; it has been a good run.”


  4. Hillary’s fans don’t care what she’s done or who she’s done it with (or to), just like Ø’s legions. If the info is, in fact, damning, it will be buried deeper than Vince Foster by the MSM.

  5. I believe it is Matt Drudge’s verified account. About 2 years ago he deleted all his tweets and has been pretty silent (google it). This tells me he thinks there is something important coming up.

  6. @ho72 – it’s not Hillary’s fans that this is directed at. It is all the undecideds and independents and “principled” never-Trumpers that need their eyes open.

  7. The problem is, we’ve already seen for decades that the left could not care less if the clintons lie, cheat, steal, and rape. The only thing the left cares about is getting their gov’t check in the mail.

    I’d still like it, though, when the truth about them is revealed. They are crooked through and through.

  8. Since no matter what dirt is presented on the Clintons the left, MSM and even the RINO establishment ignore it why should I be excited about this. I am beginning to feel like Charlie Brown when Luck yanks the football and I land on my ass.

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