Hillary Clinton and Her Simian Crease Hands – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton and Her Simian Crease Hands

Simian Crease, one line across the palm instead of two, is a condition that occurs in people with Down Syndrome. Having the crease doesn’t mean you have Down Syndrome, it just means you have the same genetic marker that produces a hand with one crease.




From Handresearch.com-

In the language of the hand, the Simian Crease is a fusing of the head and heart lines, and as such, a fusing of the thinking and feeling functions. It is usually the thinking function that dominates. Persons with the crease in one or both hands possess single-minded focus and inner intensity. Because of this, they often feel misunderstood. It is only when these persons learn to slow down a little and become aware of their differing communication style that the gift can emerge.

As can be seen in the closeup above, Hillary Clinton doesn’t have a classic Simian Crease. It does not extend the full width of her palm. She also has a partial head line extension that curves downward into her Mound of the Moon. However, there is clearly a fusing of the head and heart lines. (See diagram below).

The single crease in Senator Clinton’s hand may explain why she has been saddled with the reputation of being divisive. People with this gift can appear driven and may experience the world as more black and white than the average soul. Add to that an ultra long index finger which shows powerful ambition, and you can easily understand why Hillary hating has taken on a cult-like fervor.
Does this mean that Hillary Clinton has no heart? Other factors in her palm clearly indicate that she does.

Sitting above Hillary’s merged Head/Heart Line is a clearly etched curve known as the Girdle of Venus. Often referred to as a sister line to the Heart Line, the Girdle is a marker of sensitivity and heightened awareness of life’s subtleties.
With such a distinct Girdle in her palm, Senator Clinton not only feels, she feels deeply. When combined with a merged Head/Heart Line, the challenge of finding positive ways to communicate her feelings becomes even more complicated. Hillary Clinton hand diagram

A vertical curve appears on the outer edge of Senator Clinton’s palm, adding to the overall challenge. This line has traditionally been called a Line of Clairvoyance, but it doesn’t necessarily indicate psychic ability as much as it does life Wisdom with a capital W. This line is a mark of right-brain driven knowledge, the kind that develops when life experience is combined with deep introspection, and it is another marker of giftedness. It’s clear that there’s more to Senator Clinton than meets the eye. Perhaps the public was given a tiny glimpse of the “real” Hillary Clinton when she got teary eyed at a New Hampshire press conference.

In the end, her focused and driven Simian Crease won out and she was able to quickly regain her composure. The pundits are divided on whether this helped her campaign or hurt it.

Does Hillary Clinton’s palm indicate whether she would make a good president? It’s a mixed bag. Her gifts of insight, empathy, focus and passion are clearly etched in her palm, but she seems unable to integrate her softer side into her public persona. The lack of a clear fate line confirms the difficulty she faces in allowing her true gifts to shine. Like many women in positions of power, she is criticized for being too masculine, but not allowed to be at all feminine.

Hillary’s thumbs (will power and the ability to make things happen) are weak. She holds them too close to her palm for true take charge success, and their tips are looking a bit flat, a sign that she may be exhausted. (Tears, anyone?) No one, male or female, should have to contend with the level of vitriol that has been directed at Senator Clinton. As the first serious woman candidate for president, Hillary Clinton has taken on a pioneering role, and with it a heap of psychic and emotional abuse.

Perhaps it is part of her karma to change the way the US looks at strong women. But in order to stop being seen as polarizing, Hillary must integrate her own polarly opposite strengths and allow all of herself to show up on the campaign trail.

17 Comments on Hillary Clinton and Her Simian Crease Hands

  1. “No one, male or female, should have to contend with the level of vitriol that has been directed at old, butt-ugly Clinton” Poor baby! Ohhhh, why is everybody always picking on her?

  2. Gift of EMPATHY? The only feeling of EMPATHY she has ever demonstrated is a deep and boundless need for other peoples money! INSIGHT?,well, maybe,if the writer means to imply that her capacity to scheme new and devious methods of theft and law evasion is almost unparalleled in American history! The Borgias of Medieval Italy would hang their heads in shame and bow before their new Queen if they were alive today. Friggng pseudo mumbo-jumbo this is as bad as astrology! Please tell me this is a joke? Please tell me that the author of this is doing bong hits and holding their sides with tears streaming down their face from laughter as they write this.

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