Conspiracy Theory About Conspiracy Theorist – IOTW Report

Conspiracy Theory About Conspiracy Theorist

In a chilling text message to his mum just days before his death, Max wrote: “Your boy’s in trouble. If anything happens to me, investigate.”


A conspiracy theorist texted his mum to say ‘If anything happens to me, investigate’ just days before his mysterious death.

Max Spiers, 39, a father to two boys, was found dead on a sofa in Poland, where he had gone to give a talk about conspiracy theories and UFOs.

He was ruled to have died from natural causes despite no post-mortem examination being carried out on his body.

But his dark investigations into UFOs and government cover-ups may have made him enemies who wanted him dead, says mother Vanessa Bates, 63.

“He was staying with a woman who he had not known for long and she told me how she found him dead on the sofa.

“But I think Max had been digging in some dark places and I fear that somebody wanted him dead.”

Max made a career out of investigating UFO sightings and alleged cover-ups.

More recently, he was said to be probing into the lives of well-known figures in politics, business and entertainment.


Uh oh…. he was Clintonized.

ht/ fdr in hell

14 Comments on Conspiracy Theory About Conspiracy Theorist

  1. Bankers and critical scientists are the first to disappear when a government begins taking over its people …followed closely by “uncooperative journalists” and military personnel who are not hand-picked.

    I’m still sick to my stomach over the wetworking of Scalia.
    You people are going to realize in due time how very important he was to America’s future. Hell, that’s why he’s gone. 🙁

  2. And all engineers are wreckers

    Industrial Party Trial (November 25 – December 7, 1930) (Russian: Процесс Промпартии, Trial of the Prompartiya) was a show trial in which several Soviet scientists and economists were accused and convicted of plotting a coup against the government of the Soviet Union.

  3. I’m still sick to my stomach over the wetworking of Scalia.

    Ditto. A deep dark ache in my stomach.

    Was hoping it didn’t happen. Looks very much like it damn well did.

    And no media curiosity…

  4. @ Sylvia

    History will note that the death of Justice Scalia opened the road to the demise of the Republic, paved by Woodrow Wilson and completed by the puppet called Hillary.
    It will not be fun watching this all unfold. Or should I say, unravel.

  5. @ Perspective

    As the wife and daughter of Vince Foster were told, “Opening a long, drawn-out alleged-conspiracy investigation will not bring your husband and your father back.”

    OMG! Not some small-town lawyer, but a Supreme Court Justice? What the hell has gone wrong in America? 🙁

  6. @Sylvia “OMG! Not some small-town lawyer, but a Supreme Court Justice? What the hell has gone wrong in America? ”

    America has not had a political ally in Wa DC for a long time.

  7. The thought has occurred to me that if I were a conspiracy theorist who knew they had a terminal illness (or was contemplating suicide by a not-too-obvious means) this is exactly what I would do/say beforehand.

    Just for giggles.


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