This Mother Probably Doesn’t Even Know What She’s Done Wrong – IOTW Report

This Mother Probably Doesn’t Even Know What She’s Done Wrong

Lots of kids have sat on dad’s lap and “steered” the car, especially back in the day when most people didn’t wear seat belts.

Even though dad’s hands were also on the wheel it was still reckless, and it’s probably one of those yesteryear traditions that is best left in the past.

Kwaniqua Glenn has taken the tradition a little bit further – handing the seat and the wheel over to her 7 year-old.

I’m not seeing the point of letting this kid drive other than thinking she was going to make him an internet star. Well, the video went viral—

Video LINK

PIX11- Kwaniqua Glenn, 34, is accused of video-recording the boy driving while she was in the passenger seat.

The Seminole County Sheriff’s Office was alerted to the video on social media by a school resource officer who saw it and recognized the child as a student at the school to which he’s assigned, deputies said. They said she met the boy at his bus stop and told him to get behind the wheel and drive through the neighborhood.

Investigators think the driving incident happened sometime around Sept. 20 in unincorporated Altamonte Springs. Based on viewing the video, deputies estimate that the boy drove for about .3 to .4 mile at an average speed of about 29 mph during one .2-mile stretch.

No property was damaged and no one was injured.

Glenn was arrested Thursday morning and was charged with child neglect.

ht/ rob e.


25 Comments on This Mother Probably Doesn’t Even Know What She’s Done Wrong

  1. A million years ago, when I was on the road to early retirement, I thought I’d open an inner city gym down in Sac Town and teach kids like this the discipline of Iron. Ironically a Halfrican put a big ass stop to that.

  2. Ok, probably not a good idea if you’re on an actual road, but I was driving my grandpa’s tractor when I was about 8 and it wasn’t just to have fun. Farm kids know why farmers have so many children — we’re not all expected to survive. I’ve even (gasp!) put my daughter on my lap and let her “steer” (with my hands on the wheel) the last two secluded blocks to our house. No harm, no foul.

  3. You really have to commend Kwaniqua for teaching the kid a marketable skill that he can use in da hood, that as a getaway driver. Its good that she starts him at 7 because he only has another 10 years at best because he’ll be dead or in prison..

  4. Kid drives better with one hand than most people I know 5x older that use both.

    Look, when the stop sign was coming, I started stomping the phantom brakes in the floor under my computer desk. I understand she should have taken the kid to a farm or an abandoned offroad area or unused parking lot if she wanted do this. After all, where else do the 7-year old children of farmers learn how to operate the heavy equipment? Putting the kid behind the wheel at the bus stop in a residential area is beyond teh dum. Yes, it’s a stupid yesteryear tradition, yet also one we’ve likely all done at least once ourselves, perhaps under very similar circumstances.

    Don’t we have bigger fish to fry? Don’t the police have bigger fish to fry? How many people were being mugged, robbed, beaten, or property destroyed when the cops were busy prosecuting this nonsense? Spending a night in jail and paying a fine is going to do absolutely nothing to make this woman a better mother. Cops should have just verbally dressed her down in that powertripping cop way that they all do and reallocated the rest of their time to something of much greater significance. Not everything needs a citation. Now where’s my kimchi?

  5. 4 thoughts:

    1. Not his first time. Obviously. She’s a repeat offender.

    2. Had to use one hand because the other arm was propping him forward to see over the wheel.

    3. 10-1 odds the most sober person in the car was driving.

    4. I HATE when people repeat the video when they post one. Argh

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