Looking Right At You NeverTrump – IOTW Report

Looking Right At You NeverTrump

Whatever their stupid arguments are for sitting on their hands and not helping Trump defeat Hillary (in some cases they free their hands to actually shake the pompoms for Hillary), the one fact NeverTrump cannot get around is that Trump has no record of being a corrupt politician.


Sure, they can point to Trump University. They can point to a failed steak business. Uhhh, what else? They can say he said when you’re a star women let you grab them by the pu$$y.

Is this really the level of corruption we are talking about when it comes to Clinton’s record? The balance sheet is so heavily loaded on the Clinton side it would require us to magnify 3000 times in order to see the Trump side.

But I understand, NeverTrump will wait until they get candidate X, descended from heaven, before they will do anything at all to stop a monster from getting into office.

On 3, “But, but, but, Trump is a Monster!”

1… 2… 3….

You goddamn jerks.

13 Comments on Looking Right At You NeverTrump

  1. NeverTrumps are pretentious, disingenuous, fools who think that they’re the smartest person w/ the best morals when in reality anyone willing to vote for Hillary or Gary, or Jill, knowing what we know, is as stupid and corrupt as they come. [here’s looking @ you Bush Dynasty.]

  2. SCARBOROUGH: Why is Paul Ryan still endorsing? Why does Mitch McConnell still endorse him? By the way, while you are attacking me personally I said from the beginning I would never vote for him.I said I was voting for Jeb Bush and I said I was voting for John Kasich. Then we said after the Muslim ban that this is what Germany looked like in 1933. So i don’t know

    BRZEZINSKI: Sorry if we were easy on him.

    SCARBOROUGH: If comparing him to Hitler in 1933 is going easy on him — that was three months before anybody voted, then we were easy on him.

    KRISTOL: If you behaved in a great way more power to you.


  3. Anyone that is not willing to help defeat Hillary is willing to accept more of Obuttholes’ policies.
    That is unacceptable, un-American and a definite sign of ignorance.

    Why is it so damn difficult to understand that while Trump is far from perfect….Hillary is emulating Satan each and every day?? She not only praises Satan she envies his power.

  4. I would like to know which Never Trumper would have withstood all the lies, hypocrisy and pile on from the left, the media and their own party that Trump has not only withstood but given back as good as he’s gotten.

    Which of the 15 candidates vanquished by Trump would be beating Hillary now and by how much? Does anyone for a minute think she wouldn’t have used the same thugs to beat up their supporters and blame it on the “racist GOP” or come up with some phony women (or even real ones) to discredit them all the while taking umbrage at any mention of Bill’s rapes or Hillary’s war on women?

    Politicians are, for the most part, lifetime mediocres who are “somebody” only because they pimp themselves out to whoever will buy them and surround themselves with equally corrupt low potential parasites.

    It is amply apparent that lots and lots of these “smartest guy in the room” politicians knew all about the method and means of corruption that we’re learning about in James O’Keefe’s tapes. That not one of them came forward before now to expose it tells you the quality of their mental processes and moral fibre.

  5. whatever happens as far as the outcome of this election Donald Trump has done something that no one else could ever have done. he has exposed the RINO’s who have been working with progressive liberals for years. they are lying,deceptive,spineless,evil and now thanks to Donald Trump they are exposed. the never Trumpers, the holier than thou fakes are no better than Hillary and Obama. Obama called people like me those who cling to their Bibles,guns and faith. Hillary calls us a basket of deplorables. the never Trumpers who take it upon themselves to usurp their will over the voice of we the people must think exactly the same as Obama and Hillary. they are better,smarter,superior to us so they have the right the duty to over ride our will. or so they think. but what they have done in response to the Donald is expose their hypocrisy. they are squirming and running around like bugs who live in the darkness when someone flips over a board and the light hits them. and we the people now know who they are and should put an end to their political carriers by never giving them another vote!if Donald Trump doesn’t get elected we the people need to drain the swamp ourselves. our elected politicians who are standing with Donald Trump are the only ones we can now trust and respect. thanks to Donald Trump we now know.

  6. It was never about Trump. It is all about themselves.
    When Trump won the nomination, they instantly felt insignificant and powerless. Their “power territory”, vanished. They were in shock. But , if Hillary wins, they can smugly say “See, we told you so” and their power is restored.
    When they realized that Trump might actually beat Hillary, they became like cornered animals…..fight or die. If Trump wins, their demise is guaranteed. They will become what they fear most, invisible.

  7. I don’t want or expect Trump to destroy the Republican party. I want him to destroy Washington D.C.

    Can’t do much about Congress, they’re voted in. It’s all the hundreds of unelected alphabet bureaucracies I want him to rip apart like a monkey on a cupcake. I wanna see them all unemployed living under a bridge in a cardboard box.

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