I think lately that the only solution is to completely ditch these monsters and start anew. Split the nation into 2 new ones with the red states with a new government. A Christian nation, like the US once was. And let the corrupt, FUBAR fed keep on milking the blue states into oblivion.
So the new red nation will be anti-constitution?
Splits like that don’t work. Nice to fantasize about but ain’t happening.
One side or the other must be defeated/eliminated.
To split the nation only delays the inevitable battle. Need to face and defeat the leftist bed-wetters now.
liberal democrat logic.
requiring voter id is rigging the system
the msm and political establishment bias towards one candidate against the other is not.
We absolutely must continue to all our outrage to grow and not allow the left’s lame politically correct verbiage shut us down.
Trump wants to Make America Great Again. About time we stop being intimidated by those who sell us fetid sh! ++, while telling us it’s only fair and not putrid. Then they go back to their gated communities.
May the TRUMP ROAR, ‘We’re sick of it and won’t take it anymore’ grow until it drowns out the hideously corrupt Hillary and Obmacarcinoma in Washington.
Rig for death:
Perfect background music.
I think lately that the only solution is to completely ditch these monsters and start anew. Split the nation into 2 new ones with the red states with a new government. A Christian nation, like the US once was. And let the corrupt, FUBAR fed keep on milking the blue states into oblivion.
So the new red nation will be anti-constitution?
Splits like that don’t work. Nice to fantasize about but ain’t happening.
One side or the other must be defeated/eliminated.
To split the nation only delays the inevitable battle. Need to face and defeat the leftist bed-wetters now.
liberal democrat logic.
requiring voter id is rigging the system
the msm and political establishment bias towards one candidate against the other is not.
We absolutely must continue to all our outrage to grow and not allow the left’s lame politically correct verbiage shut us down.
Trump wants to Make America Great Again. About time we stop being intimidated by those who sell us fetid sh! ++, while telling us it’s only fair and not putrid. Then they go back to their gated communities.
May the TRUMP ROAR, ‘We’re sick of it and won’t take it anymore’ grow until it drowns out the hideously corrupt Hillary and Obmacarcinoma in Washington.
All Too Much – – WHO is it?
Gonna need a bigger wall for that to work.