Remember the Crooked Hillary Employee Who Set Up Bird Dogging Events at Trump Rallies? Guess What Media Outlet He Works For? – IOTW Report

Remember the Crooked Hillary Employee Who Set Up Bird Dogging Events at Trump Rallies? Guess What Media Outlet He Works For?

If I gave you 5 guesses  you’d probably guess.

It’s all starting to gel, now, isn’t it?


21 Comments on Remember the Crooked Hillary Employee Who Set Up Bird Dogging Events at Trump Rallies? Guess What Media Outlet He Works For?

  1. Foval also wrote a lengthy article on his diagnosis of AIDS at Huffington. He asked God why he got afflicted. Well Foval try looking in the mirror and look at the wretched person you are. You’re full of hate and rage, that’s why you’ve got AIDS, oh and practicing unsafe sex. Duh!

  2. I’M shocked. I could never imagine Killary having a cork soaker and butt plugger on her staff. Shocking! But, as the NYState Lottery ad goes: “Hey you never know.”

  3. As soon as this guy opened his mouth I fully understood just how dumb as a box of rocks all these crooks, liars and depraved people are. And for that reason, I’m not really the least bit anxious that at some point they will all be caught. Foval could not wait to show off and blab about how much of a Mr. Big he was in the Inner Circle of the Killery campaign, the DNC and the PACs. There’s Mall Cop material right there lookin’ at ya.

  4. He’s got degrees in journalism and “criminal justice studies.” Tells you all you need to know. Except, I agree with Tony R. and this ass needs to be on that list.

  5. All of the gay nazi brownshorts had to go somewhere after they bullied the country into gay marriage adoration. Probably more than a few like him with a death sentence, bitterness and a desire to destroy. I can see where he’d do anything for Hillary.

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