Sheila Jackson Lee Denounces Wikipedia – IOTW Report

Sheila Jackson Lee Denounces Wikipedia

We are in good hands with these representatives.

Lee denounces the evil Wikipedia.

Next up, Lee goes after Gucci 2.0.

ht/ JS

24 Comments on Sheila Jackson Lee Denounces Wikipedia

  1. Hillary is desperate, and growing more so hourly. Anonymous conducted and funded a poll calling 1000 voters in every state, selecting from the registration rolls, 1/3 Rep, 1/3 Dem, and 1/3 undecided. This is a base of 50000 surveyed. Results are 67% for Trump, 19% Hillary, 14% undecided. Now the Hillary camp is putting out that she is ahead in the electoral college count, and based on what? their biased uncorrected and flawed polling of 100 to 500 stronghold areas for Democrats? Trotting out another has-been actress to lie about Trump trying to seduce her? This is bordering on insanity for her, Twilight Zone time. We don’t buy it, nor does our Nation.

  2. “As great as Texas is, they have their issues.”

    Hey Hey. She’s in Houston, that’s kinda like Colorado’s Denver with Austin being the Boulder of Texas.

    CO-1 is represented by Diana DeGette. I call her the dumbest white person in the house. She said this one time about banning high capacity magazines(and it’s her Hot Button Cause)
    “I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those know they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.”

    I’ve only been here 2 years but as long as you’re away from the urban shitholes(even Dallas is going over to the dark side) it’s very conservative

  3. Want to see something that’s Really Scary?
    As dimwitted as she is.
    A lot of someones who are 24 lumens short of 25 lumens keeps voting her back into office. Boggles the mind.

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