Real Faces of Stupidity – IOTW Report

Real Faces of Stupidity


See these two faces? This is what stupidity looks like. I have to take these 2 morons at their word, that they aren’t just feigning a political stance, and that they actually believe that “Trump called Mexicans rapists and murderers.”

These are 2 chefs that won’t work at Trump’s new hotel because he won’t apologize for, well,  something he never said.

You see, this is the same thinking that produces a moron that thinks tax cuts across the board are “tax cuts for the rich.”

Yes, dumbbells, when all people’s taxes are cut, rich people will have their taxes cut because they are part of the “all.” See how that works?

Now, conversely, when Trump says a defenseless border with Mexico will lead to murders and rapists coming here, because we aren’t exactly interviewing them to see if we want them, that’s because there are Mexicans that are murderers and rapists. See how that works.

Is it these two moron’s position that there are NO Mexican murderers or rapists?

If that’s the case I should be hopping the border INTO Mexico.

Tump has nothing to apologize for. These two do, for being so simpleminded.



19 Comments on Real Faces of Stupidity

  1. “José Andrés (left) and Geoffrey Zakarian (right) backed out of plans to open restaurants in Donald Trump’s new hotel because of the comments he made about Mexicans ”

    I’ll bet money they both lost out on contracts.

  2. And you can bet they planned on all slave labor in the back, mostly illegal latinos, asian, mideasterners. There are reasons for their concerns, main one being Trump. There was once a day when using illegal slave laborers would get the owners arrested and charged. See what happens when you have a corrupted whitehut on down the food chain?

  3. What i find amazing is that it is racist for Trump to say that murderers and rapists are coming across the border, from Mexico but it is also racist to deport illegal aliens back to Mexico because they would be in danger from the murderers and rapists in — Mexico.

  4. Oh where oh where will Trump ever find 2 other chefs?!!? There’s a shortage, right?
    These two are so important. Idiots.
    They both look like they’ve been eating most of the food they prepare.

  5. Perhaps they can go work for the always pleasant Mooch through 01/17. Better yet the screaming, shrieking, cursing Killary.

    I think Brad is right about them losing out on the contract. Anything to get their names in print.

  6. How lazy, Susan? A teaspoon of research and a dash of common sense is all it would take to cook up and see that Trump never said that about ALL Mexicans is ALL investors need to know about these two dopes.

  7. For the umpteenth time, Trump never said all Mexicans are murderers and rapists. He said we must close our borders to illegals, many of whom are murderers and rapists. Bill Clinton said as much back in 1995 (But did nothing about it) and received a standing ovation
    in his address to Congress. WTF?

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