Redskins Special Teams Coach Took a Bathroom Break Into a Gatorade Cup During Game – IOTW Report

Redskins Special Teams Coach Took a Bathroom Break Into a Gatorade Cup During Game

I’m not sure I really care one iota that a man, and I won’t repeat his name in this story, had his picture taken while he was trying to be discreet and relieve himself during a football game.

Hey, when you have to go, and you’re not allowed to go (leave), you gotta do what you have to do. Most people don’t have the luxury of peeing into a bag, like Hillary.

Until enough outrage is generated and fruits are arrested for marching in a parade completely naked in front of children, I’m afraid I don’t have the f****s to give about this.

I’m sick of selective outrage, where society’s flotsam (the left) is a given a free pass while we do an end around and destroy some guy’s life overnight.

I’m reporting this story without really reporting the story. I’m not going to post the picture. I just wanted to express my opinion, as you will in the comments.

By the way, The Redskins have announced that the coach is in no way, shape or form, in trouble.

24 Comments on Redskins Special Teams Coach Took a Bathroom Break Into a Gatorade Cup During Game

  1. You lost me. I’ve never peed in the kitchen sink.

    Strangest place I’ve peed??? hmmmm.
    Don’t remember where I was, but I employed the “laying down in the grass” technique.
    That’s where you look like your relaxing in a meadow. Head propped on a bent arm. You can even cross your ankles to throw everyone off.

    Never used this one, but I have it in my bag of tricks if need be. Lay down in front of your car, hood open, looking like your fiddling with something in the undercarriage. Curse a little. Perfect subterfuge, even if they see liquid they will assume it was from the car.

  2. @Am I Right? No. I try to make it as sanitary as I reasonably can. That doesn’t include any kitchen sinks.

    Not that I haven’t pissed in some odd places, including over Iguazú Falls on the border of Argentina and Brasil.

  3. Think about having to piss when you can’t get to the men’s room reminds me of the movie Semi-Tough with Burt Reynolds, Kris Kristofferson, Jill Clayburgh, and, astonishingly, Lotte Lenya. One of my favorite funny-stupid movies. Also Robert Preston and Bert Convey.

  4. I grew up in a large poor family. One bathroom.
    That sink got peed in a lot.
    You fill the sink with hot water then add a cup or two of bleach. Let sit for 30 min.
    It’s clean.

  5. Hey BFH. Remember “The Duke of Spook”? He peed in front of me while I was teeing up a ball on the 8th hole. I look up and there is his wang, unattended, spraying away while he is smoking a cigar and chatting with the lads. Unfuckingbelievable man. God love him.

  6. I’ve peed on flowers, I peed on trees, I’ve peed in rivers, I’ve peed in lakes, I’ve peed in showers, I’ve peed in the kitchen sink.
    I’ve peed off the patio and once that I remember I drained a Dewars and had to pee. But the toilet was occupied so I peed in the class. And when the time came I cleaned the glass out and poured another drink. The world will be much safer when old dirty bastards like me are gone. You will be much safer with people who
    use Purell every time the touch a door nob.

  7. We have a man cave in the basement and my husbands friends used to piss in the laundry room sink. We were building a bathroom but I made the mistake of letting them in before it was finished. We have 5 bathrooms upstairs. But that would require effort.
    By the way piss is clean unless your ill. Of course you can’t let it sit or it stinks.

  8. I pissed out of an Air Force van going 45 MPH. We were TDY in Las Vegas, and after a late night of partying I decided to swing open that big ole door and take a piss. Unfortunately the spray covered everyone. Yeah, I got my 20 year old drunk ass kicked.

  9. As an older guy, I can definitely sympathize with the coach. However, I don’t understand why he didn’t just call some of the spare players over and have them group around him (preferably facing outwards) to block the view.

    Side note: Back when I got divorced from the starter wife, when people would ask me why, I would tell them, “Man, that woman was downright filthy! Every time I went to pee in the sink, it was full of dirty dishes!”


  10. Shame on anyone for calling out this coach for doing what we ALL do, and doing what needs to be done in the most discreet manner possible in a very awkward scenario.

    When I bought my current residence, one big factor was: If need be, can I pee outside without offending neighbors? The answer was yes.

    Strangest place I ever peed? Under the road deck of the New River Gorge Bridge, at the apex of the arch, Lansing, West Virginia. 860 feet down. Did it multiple times on multiple trips. Of course, that was pre-9/11. The bastids finally commercialized walks out on the inspection catwalk, charging around $90 a head to do so.

    It’s a real white-knuckler for some folks, heh. I’ve seen a couple guys freeze up out there.

  11. hey, as long as that coach then took the warm cup of piss and chucked it into that fucktard, okay with anthem boycott Roger Goodell’s face, I’m okay with it.

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