Hillary’s 33,000 emails might not be ‘missing’ after all – IOTW Report

Hillary’s 33,000 emails might not be ‘missing’ after all

The FBI never bothered to subpoena the people who most likely have the Clinton emails stored on their servers.

One place is Google, but there are other places as well. It’s just that the “investigation” part of FBI is a joke.

The emails will probably be recovered after Hillary takes her shot at gaining control of the white house, that is, unless after a win she writes an executive order shutting down any public viewing of the archived emails for the best interest of herself the country.

Trump must win this so that we get to see at least one Clinton behind bars.



16 Comments on Hillary’s 33,000 emails might not be ‘missing’ after all

  1. I never thought I’d see the day our U.S. Government would be militarized against We the People.
    Then the Leftists took charge.
    And the Republicans did nothing to protect us.
    Hence, Trump.

  2. Trump appoints Rudy as AG. His orders are 1. Clean out the bureaucracy rats nest, 2. Reopen the email investigation, 3. Investigate the foundation.

    To see the Arkansas Bulbous Nose Humper, his screeching crook of a wife, and troll daughter go to a federal lockup might be too much to hope for.

  3. The FBI is part or the Clinton Foundation the Virginia Governor gave the FBI deputy director’s wife half a $Million to pay off her campaign debt. It’s just a coincidence that he was in charge of the e mail investigation. Move along folks there’s nothing to see here. South American banana republics have.nothing on us.

  4. If the FBI didn’t think to look in these other places for the emails. They’re incompetent.
    It’s more likely they did, and forbade it being done. Which makes them corrupt.
    Or at minimum – under threat from powerful evil forces, and afraid to do their jobs to fulfill their duty to the American people.

  5. But, but don’t call the FBI WEASELS.
    They are in the family of Mustelidae, just like Skunks.

    The FBI stinks to High heaven. No integrity, No Justice.
    Incompetent, complicit, deceitful, deceptive and dishonorable.
    They fit right in with Hillary and Obama.

  6. @HungJumper October 25, 2016 at 6:23 pm

    Rube Goldberg would be proud.

    With terrorism currently defined as “whatever we want,” plenty of public documentation back to before Fast and Furious, and Gitmo still open — just declare the entire post-Bush II executive branch as “suspected of conspiring against the safety of Americans” and redition the whole lot. They can be released individually to whatever country will have them, when enough people decide they’re no longer a threat to the well being of any American.


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