Crabs Cure? – IOTW Report

Crabs Cure?

Not really sure what I’m witnessing, but this is the kind of stuff explorers would see and write about in journals. Now it’s here. Thanks.

During this backwater ballet, a “dancer” lights her crotch on fire.

When she returns full of bandages it’s like a punch line.

Multiculturalism is… is not good. It’s not good.

ht/ waitforit

30 Comments on Crabs Cure?

  1. How does a real man get rid of crabs? He shaves one side of his crotch sets fire to the other side and stabs at the little bastards with an ice pick as they run for open ground.

  2. I was entertained for a moment by the crotch fire exhibition of Darwinism. Twerking is disgusting so I stopped there.

    Her surprise at the result from applying flame to alcohol was particularly interesting.

    WTF did you think was going to happen, moron?

    $10 says no one there didn’t advise against it or tell her how stupid she was afterward.

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