After 80 Years, Islamist Turkey Again Seizes Hagia Sophia Church For Islam – IOTW Report

After 80 Years, Islamist Turkey Again Seizes Hagia Sophia Church For Islam


BlazingCatFur: The Hagia Sophia is one of the most beautiful and well-known buildings in the world — and Islamists have detested that fact for years. After all, it is a Christian church, and therefore a Christian symbol.

That’s why the Ottoman Turks wasted little time transforming the church into a mosque when they invaded and conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) centuries ago.  MORE

11 Comments on After 80 Years, Islamist Turkey Again Seizes Hagia Sophia Church For Islam

  1. Where are you getting a story from? I went to the link and Blazing Cat Fur has a three paragraph story about this church being seized and turned into a mosque after Constantinople fell but that’s it. The links in the story took me to Parenting Magazine.

  2. Ok, googled the name of the church and found a PJ Media story about Erdogan starting the process to take the church back from a neutral site to a mosque. As the writer noted, the people were shocked but not surprised. Turkey is going the way of Iran and the west has to realize it. It’s likely that Erdogan plotted and initialed the failed coup in order to clean out his opponents and anyone who could have opposed him. Turkey has to be suspended (or kicked out) of NATO and their entry into the EU be suspended indefinitely. If strong moves by the west aren’t made then Erdogan will be take that as a sign he can accelerate his destruction as a modern, democratic secular state.

  3. Hagia Sophia was the center of Orthodox Christianity, it was in a city called Constantinople. The church has been a museum in secular Turkey since 1935. The Muzz changed the city into Istanbullshit.

    Every decent person of every religion in every country should condemn this evil, extremely evil, take over of orthodox sacred ground. The Muzz are just rubbing our nose into their shit. My only hope is that the Russian Orthodox have the might to take it back, to take down Turkey, and force the Muzz to be deported.

    President Muzz and Madam Secretary plus Secretariot have made this possible.

    BTW since 2011 77 Christian refugees from Syria have been admitted to the USA compared to over 14,000 Muzz.

    8,000 Christian refugees from Iraq have been admitted to the USA compared to over 40,000 Muzz.

    President Muzz can to the devil, the sooner the batter. He is the a daemon and his supporters can go to the devil with him.

  4. Bill – Simply put, YES. But this time they are getting farther than Vienna in the 1500’s.

    Filthy Mohammedan Savages cannot build or create anything. The only thing believers of that soul-deadening Satan-worshipping cult can do is invade and destroy.

    BTW, my vodka is Sobieski, named after Prince Jan Sobieski, Poland’s brilliant General who helped fight back the Filthy Mohammedan Savages once and for all at Vienna. Drinking Sobieski Vodka is codeword among my friends for opposing Filthy Mohammedan Savages.

  5. I stood in the Hagia Sophia a few years ago – it still looked like it did in “From Russia With Love.”
    Beautiful place. I’m sure the ragheads, who hate anything of beauty or grace or goodness, will turn it into a shit-hole.

    izlamo delenda est …


    Christ our True God, who loves mankind, look down with mercy and compassion upon every soldier who is facing a daily struggle with war, aggression and terrorism. Each one desires to live before You, and be ever protected by Your Right Hand. Preserve them, we humbly pray, and watch over them every given hour. Guide their steps, give wisdom and discernment to all who are in leadership, that Your will may prevail, and that they may return safely to their homes and loved ones.

    We beg You to hear the cry coming from our hearts, dear Lord Jesus Christ. We know that we are surrounded by many dangers. We are frightened as destruction; pain and death seem so near. We hurt with those who are hurting, and grieve with those who grieve, whether on the battlefield or in their homes.

    Draw us closer to You, we pray. Grant to us and to each soldier the desire to say as the Psalmist did, “I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.’ He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge.” (Psalm 91)

    In Your righteousness forgive us as we continue in the defense of our beloved country. Watch over those whom we love, our wives, our children, relatives, and friends, as well as all civil authorities. May Your guiding Spirit be with those who govern us. Bless our country America, our allies, and all those who love freedom, peace, and good will among all men.

    May Your mercy be ever granted to us, for without fear but with love, humility, and obedience we to turn to You, that we may be strengthened, stand firm, and live.

    Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen.

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