These are your fellow voters— God Help Us. – IOTW Report

These are your fellow voters— God Help Us.

People are told that Obamacare premiums are going up, but it’s told to them like it’s a good thing! They just follow along and celebrate the rising premiums.

The saddest part? Some of these people are high-fiving their friends at the party they are having celebrating their awesome television appearance.


18 Comments on These are your fellow voters— God Help Us.

  1. “The eras of the nations, in which we live, bring us to the culmination and climax of man’s misrule . . .

    “There is a well-known work, ‘The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,’ which traces the descent of one of the great nations. Yet Rome was just a sample of all the rest. All other nations more or less conform to this pattern . . .

    “It is of major importance that the people as a whole be given an opportunity to govern themselves. Without this, God’s great demonstration of human impotence would be far from convincing. Not only that, but it is very helpful to have so many varieties and gradations of popular rule. . .

    “God is ‘trying’ a great number – I should not say of experiments – but a vast variety of demonstrations to shut man’s mouth; so that he cannot say that he has not had a fair opportunity to prove that he can govern apart from God. . . Apart from all being subject to God there cannot be and should not be a perfect government.”

    A.E. Knoch (1874-1965)

  2. Proof that even though there are times you SHOULD have cognitive dissonance – it isn’t guaranteed you will.

    Probably a good litmus test for stupidity. Or brainwashing.

  3. Yeah, Czar, it would have been a cherry on top if one of them claimed it was double plus good.

    I suspect they are just SO happy to be on TV, and supporting a liberal cause, they’ll say anything. Like the interviews asking if Hillary was awesome in the debate the night before when there wasn’t one and they gush about how great she was.

  4. ‘The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’ by E. Gibbon is the first set (three volumes) of books I ever owned. Had them since I was 13. It is a chilling documentary of an empire that once ruled one quarter of the world’s population.

    Nothing has changed.
    Our politicians are would be emperors.
    Bread and circuses is now welfare, free cellphones and ESPN.
    The mob is #BLM.
    The Senate is still nothing but an ensemble of rich men who sold their souls for a pittance.
    And the barbarians have been allowed to invade this country like a horde of locusts.
    God help us.

  5. Agreed, dadof4; their stupidity has *nothing* to do with Kimmel’s claim about “whether you agree with Obama or not”…but it *is* a prerequisite for voting Dem (though there are a fair share on the Right as well).

  6. This is exactly why the lamestream media wants to convince the masses that it’s their “responsibility” to vote, and aim this disinformation campaign at the LoFos so that these people cast their votes for whomever Justin Timberlake presumably says is cool, since they can get a selfie while they do it just like him! It’s been reduced to little more than another virtue signaling opportunity.

  7. @norman Einstein

    . “How can they use so many words and not make any sense whatsoever?”

    They learn the vocabulary through indoctrination, but don’t know the meaning of the words.

    Hey, I think I may have answered my question of why the MSM grabs onto scripted words and phrases and aren’t even embarrassed that they all use EXACTLY the same words.

    They don’t know how to interpret the words to find another way to say the catch phrase.

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