Wienermobile – IOTW Report



ht/ cliff

17 Comments on Wienermobile

  1. Weiner walks into a bar with a toad on his head and asks the bartender for a beer.
    The bartender looks at Weiner, then up at the toad, then back to Weiner and sez:
    “Where’d you get that?”
    The toad sez: “It started out as a wart on my ass”.

  2. My sister sent me this jingle after I sent her mine:
    Oh, I’m glad that I’m Anthony Weiner.
    Huma will be sorry she divorced me.
    And as Anthony Weiner,
    My device will give me custody!

  3. Holy crap, that photo infers that the bitch needs help mounting the weinermobile.
    If this country is ever put back on track….just imagine the demands placed upon teachers to explain all this shit!

  4. Anthony weiner walks into a bar wearing a semen stained blue dress.

    Who couldn’t imagine that happening?

    Then Donald Trump punches him in the face.

    It’s a joke in progress , ok? You loved it so far.
    Look. I’m a programmer not a comic so shut the fuck up.

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