Another Inspiring Trump Speech – IOTW Report

Another Inspiring Trump Speech

This is why me and my dog are voting for DJT. He gets it.- Bad Brad

The dog, orĀ Trump?

6 Comments on Another Inspiring Trump Speech

  1. Excellent morning starter, goes good with coffee.
    I was reminded of Bill Pullman in the movie Interdependence Day “We will not go quietly into the night!”

    But winning the presidency is just the start, next comes draining the swamp. Replace the criminals at DOJ and go after the criminals that have taken this great country so far down.

  2. If you haven’t yet brought up the awkward, uncomfortable, taboo subject of ‘the election’ with your friends, family, neighbors, business associates, church family, latte drive through girls, pool cleaner, dry cleaner, grocery checker, lawn guy, mailman, Aunt Margaret, appliance repair person, dog walker, baby sitter, and EVERYONE else you happen upon in the course of your days, please don’t let the opportunity go by.


    And it’s not too late to volunteer for Trump Talk phone calling! Don’t think your state is too blue to bother voting, either.

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