UK’s Brexit Hitting Roadblocks – IOTW Report

UK’s Brexit Hitting Roadblocks


In what is being seen as a setback for those wanting The United Kingdom out of the EU, the nation’s High Court has ruled that the ruling party must allow Parliament to vote before invoking the article allowing Britain to leave the European Union.  The ruling is being appealed to the Britain’s Supreme Court, but the High Court’s decision is already delaying the two year process of separation once Article 50 has been declared.


12 Comments on UK’s Brexit Hitting Roadblocks

  1. Sounds like they have identified a need for the arms they are not allowed to keep and bear. Don’t ask me for help. You already got all the help you are going to get on that front when Americans sent you their small arms so you could defend yourselves from the Nazis.

  2. Conservatives and people in general go out, vote, think they’ve won and go back to work and their lives. Liberals never give up or take no for an answer. They have to be fought every day, day and day out and no one has the energy to do that and they end up winning and nothing ever changes and everywhere you look we either continue to trot or sprint to a full global elitist society.

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