What an Oddball- Cruz Campaigns For Trump/Pence By Not Mentioning Trump By Name – IOTW Report

What an Oddball- Cruz Campaigns For Trump/Pence By Not Mentioning Trump By Name

What a queer. This is the kind of thing that causes a former college roommate to relentlessly tweet how loathsome this dude is.

He seems to think he’s being cool and slick by showing up at events in order to needle Trump, but it just makes him look like a crap weasel.

When the time ever comes where he’s looking for support he is going to be fragged, and rightly so.



ht/ rob e.

68 Comments on What an Oddball- Cruz Campaigns For Trump/Pence By Not Mentioning Trump By Name

  1. Cruz is still that loser on the ten speed. In high school I would have kicked his bike over every time I saw it with him on it. Teddy’s a DFL waiting on the absolution of Christ. Even Christ hates a loser. And Teddy’s gaining enemies like they’re free. Dumb shit.

  2. The Canadian Cuban cruzio is a weasel, He isn’t and has never been a “Constitutional Conservative” or an expert in anything.He wanted to increase the H1-B’s by over 500% and take caps off all “immigration”. He had delusions of being “President of the North American Union” that little Goldman Sachs Heidi wrote the script for. Whoever it was in the Trump campaign office that drempt bringing cruzio on board should have their ass kicked and fired.

  3. Trump has been in my neck of the woods so often that I check my guest room to see if he is sleeping there. His policy speeches are awesome! I sign into IOTW and all I see is “Cruz Sucks!” WTF? Post his speeches! What’s up with you peeps here that you spend more time attacking Cruz than celebrating Trump?

  4. “sign into IOTW and all I see is “Cruz Sucks!” WTF? ”

    That’s bull shit. Today’s the first day I can remember in a long time his name has even come up. He’s pretty forgettable. Cause he’s a loser.

  5. Well, it wouldn’t be a trash Cruz party without the ‘classy’ Abigail — so here I am!!

    This is so tragic for Cruz; predictably tragic. The guy is just mental. This is way beyond any kind of professional envy — at least that admits an understanding of human foibles. He seems detached from his own self-destruction. I could imagine him ‘going postal’ at some point. I honestly could. Not good.

  6. BB — This is the strangest phenomenon I can recall in any presidential race. I don’t think Ross Perot’s people carried on like this. I don’t think Perot carried on like this. I could be wrong, I don’t recall even the noxious Ron Pauler’s doing this.

  7. WTF Menderman?!? It’s possible I’ve missed a post here and there but Cruz disappears into who knows where and nothing is said for or against him. He comes out no where with a self-serving, half-assed attempt to support Trump and he deserves to get slapped down. Cruz could do way better for himself than he does.

  8. Tommy, honestly I was t feeling that way until Menderman and Tucker showed up. Not mentioning Trump by name at one of his rallies certainly falls in the chicken shit category in my book. It’s a mark of the man. Just that simple, so I hope your serious. It’s a bad sign, a weak character trait.

  9. Menderman what away to come back to iOTW.
    Cruz is a lost cause as is Beck and many others.

    He only cares about his own ass, not the country, just like the rest of you never Trumpers.
    The hour is getting late, get on board or get out of the way.
    Keep on keeping on. Go Trump, we need you.
    Vote Trump.

  10. Good on you Geoff C. The Saltine, you’re a better man than me because I’m not giving Menderman a hug. The Cruzbots bring this shit up 5 days out with everything that’s going on. They’re brain damaged. Where’s 007 Tucker right now. That stories all bull shit too.

  11. Let’s face it:
    – Cruz holds a grudge against Trump and doesn’t really want to support him
    – Not supporting Trump looks bad for Cruz
    – Cruz pretends to campaign for Trump in order to get credit for campaigning for Trump
    – Cruz is actually kind of anti-campaigning
    – Cruz has been caught and called out
    – Cruz reminds us of Hillary Clinton, the slimy bitch that pretends she is good but is actually kind of evil
    – We don’t like two-faced bitches like Hillary and now Cruz

  12. If Cruz and McConnell are on board the Trump train, then Hillary has no more nasty surprises.

    Campaign like the wind, boys. Whatever it takes to get the wayward Republicans out from under the sweaty thumb.

  13. Cruz posted an impassioned plea a few weeks ago as to why Trump should be President over Hillary. Let me be clear….Ted Cruz is traveling with Mike Pence to assure Donald J Trump is elected as our 45th President. It is our duty as conservatives to make that happen. Let’s set all other arguments aside for the next 5 days and get that done…OK? After that, I’m gonna arm wrestle BFH, CoD, AA, B_B, j6pak and the rest of y’all for the scraps under the table! (oh, and just for the heck of it, Imma gonna kiss MJA on the cheek..)

  14. Great. Now the record will state that Ted Cruz saved Trump’s presidency. Could this election get any weirder?

    I wish I were a little more ambitious. I’d write the book.

  15. i mentioned over on the breitbart article that trump broke cruz like a cowboy breaks a bronc. He’ll tow the line now.

    Couldnt believe i got called a hillary supporter by a cruzbotte, thought i was at ReichSkoop.
    After that primary i wouldnt trust ted further than i can spit.

  16. You first Menderman on letting bygones be bygones.
    You don’t want to arm wrestle BB, take my word for it, he’s got a 100 pound trigger pull on his guns.

  17. Menderman, you insecure little man, didn’t you just challenge me to an arm wrestling contest? I beleive you did. And you answer my reply with threats of violence. Just like a lib

  18. Proof that nothing matters to Cruz other than Cruz. The Constitution, the American people and even his family – all props for the narcissist extraodinaire, Ted Cruz. He’s a destructive force and will turn on Trump given the opportunity.

  19. Imagine the best man at a wedding exalting the groom without ever mentioning his name? Gimmeafuckinbreak!
    Cruz has proven to me to be a sly fucker, and I hate sly fucks as I do snakes. And, believe me, I was a supporter of Cruz. BUT HE LOST THE FUCKING NOMINATION> TRUMP WON!

  20. Classy Abigail, I’m late to this dance, but I can’t wait for JTucker to chime in and DEFEND CRUZ’s BEHAVIOR here.

    DEFEND IT, losers!
    You CAN’T, because
    there *IS* no excuse
    for this degree of childishness.

  21. I read on one of the nutball NeverTrump sites a comment that went like this –

    “Cruz is the most conservative candidate I have seen in my lifetime. When he runs in 2020 he will win in a LANDSLIDE!!!”

    Are we dealing with an intelligence deficiency or someone that just fell off the turnip truck?

    Let’s put aside the ridiculousness that all we have to do is find the most conservative guy in the room and suddenly he gets 60% of the vote. It doesn’t work that way, otherwise WFB would have been president.

    What this person refuses to see is that Cruz, for whatever reason, does not connect with people on a level that is very important —> charisma.

    Whatever “it” is, Cruz don’t have “it.”

    Women don’t want to be with him and men don’t want to be him.
    Unfair? Yes.
    Reality? YES.

    It’s not simply a matter of getting the most conservative guy. There are other factors. Cruz seems creepy.
    Sorry to have to be the one to deliver that news.

  22. TO Menderman

    I didn’t see you here yesterday when it was announced that Cruz – after spewing his bile at the Nominating Convention’s conclusion – disappeared until five days before the election, when he claimed he was going to appear with Pence in Michigan and Iowa in support of Trump…and a number of us got peed on just for pointing out that this was going to be merely a self-serving act by Cruz FOR Cruz.

    Well, f*ck you and f*ck JTucker, Loretta and anyone else who rode that Sanctimony Horse.

    This AIN’T about Cruz, so if little needle nose can’t get his act together (which he now has repeated proven) he needs to crawl off the stage and back under whatever rock he came from.

    This sort of behavior DOESN’T help Trump, and it *certainly* doesn’t help Cruz.

  23. I still say he will not get reelected here in Texas. He’s a fucking liar, oily as a grease monkey. The comment that we dodged a bullet couldn’t be more true.

    Trump was ultra gracious at HIS convention to Cruz and Cruz came and pissed in the punch. Anyone that has kind words for this asshole after that is dumber then dirt.

    And now in the home stretch, with all signs pointing to a Trump blowout, this asshole pokes his head out of his hole to pitch in? Fuck him-go away.

  24. Raphael Teddy does NOT disappoint!
    I just KNEW it, right when I heard about him ‘campaigning’ for Trump, I just knew that Teddy was going to turn around and NOT in fact try to help Trump, but instead try to ‘help’ himself to a crowd that he on his own would never EVER have or attract.

    It’s sad and pathetic, but very predictable. Anyone who has done their research on Cruz and his background can continue to expect this kind of behavior/COMPLETE LACK OF AWARENESS on a frequent basis. He’s a narcissistic little weirdo, thinks he’s anointed to rule over the entire north american continent, he’s a dominionist, just an all around creepy person. I genuinely feel sorry for his two young daughters.
    [gonna end this here, I could go on all week about why I dislike this guy and why he’s not fit for office, even a post office.]

    Btw, I used to actually support him for president until September 2015. So bleh. I can own up to that.

  25. Cruz would later mention Trump’s name at a rally in Portage, Michigan.
    quote from CNN politics article.
    some freekn research you mindless robots. Such ASS CLOWNS!!! the same people that say don’t believe the corrupt press believe the corrupt press
    All the smart people at the IOTWREPORT

  26. Cruz is looking to pick up some crumbs and to jockey for a position of influence. He is still a flim flammer as far as I’m concerned. If Ted was the guy, he would be losing big time next week while talking about the constitution. He wouldn’t do a damned thing about the third world invasion and he would at the border with teddy bears for those lovable Syrians to come in and steamroller our country. Although I should have known better, I listened to that horse’s ass Levin last night for a few minutes, he rails on hillary but it didn’t take him long to say “we don’t have a true constitutional conservative in the race this year.” I cannot stand this arrogant whiner, he is on this friggin demented ‘constitutional conservative’ acid trip, he sounds like he is talking to himself. In Levin’s mind you have to be a lawyer in order to govern.

  27. Whoa, I thought- Wait, do menderman and jtrucker only show up for Cruz related stuff? Because… WOw. Okay.
    In the tv interviews he didn’t mention him, in an untelevised rally he mentions him, how many times I wonder though? I mean honestly. Ted has a nasty spirit about him, if you want to ignore that then by all means.

  28. no I show up and comment on many posts. But Ted Cruz is not the enemy!!
    Let us not forget Pence endorsed Cruz. No matter what you think of Ted Cruz it doesn’t help get Trump elected by attacking a conservative.
    Simple point isn’t it?? Show the film where Trump took on Harry Reed or better yet John Boehner or Mitch McConnell. Crickets.
    I defend the guy because I defend the constitution. So yes I will defend him at all cost but the IOTWREPORT keeps throwing Ted sucks down our throats. Wasnt it trump who said he would nominate his sister to the supreme court?? yes it was a big Liberal. Believe it or not Trump needs Cruz.

  29. I get sick of hearing Cruzbots say piss off conservatives, ya need us. Frankly I don’t give a shit about kissing ass and begging such people to vote. If you are so damn petty and so damn thinned skinned and such a damn pussy that you would not vote or vote for a third party or vote for Hillary knowing our country is hanging on by a thin thread then you are the damn enemy.

  30. ManPussy who the hell says such a thing. I guess I hit a nerve with you Czar?? Not thin skinned just stating the facts. Did you open the links?
    Probably not. I already voted early for Trump you moron Ted and the Conservative wing of the Rep Party are not the enemy. The Rhino’s and Hillary are!!!So save me the bullshit. You will be looking for the conservatives to bring Trump back from his lefty NY Values.
    end of story. How long have Bad Brad and Czar been dating? Is Abigail going to marry you two?

  31. @Menderman November 3, 2016 at 11:45 pm

    > You MUST destroy Cruz if you support Trump….said no intelligent human ever…..

    It’s called “multi-tasking.” It’s how we outperform the H1Bs already here to replace us.

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