Is this legal? – IOTW Report

Is this legal?

Not sure whether promoting this is wise, considering that I don’t think Apple will pull this app even if it is illegal. And why give sh*tstains any ideas.

~Anti-Trump vote trading app offered by Apple~

Any knowledgable people out ther that knows whether this is cut and dry illegal or not?

Apple Offers Anti-Trump App Allowing Voters To Trade Votes

At a time rife with speculation that the presidential vote on Tuesday may be rigged or tampered, we find it troubling – not to mention illegal – that Tim Cook has allowed the Apple store to distribute an app called #NeverTrump created by Trimian, whose mission statement is “Red or Blue, we must all unite to defeat Trump this election. Let’s ensure Hillary wins in swing states, and make sure third-party votes count.”

The app allows potential voters to trade votes, boosting Hillary’s support in swing or battleground states, while 3rd party candidates get more (meaningless) support in blue states.

Vote Trading, also known as vote swapping or vote pairing, is the practice of voting for or against another person’s bill, position on a more general issue, or favored candidate in exchange for the other person’s vote for or against a position, proposal, or candidate that one supports.

As the App explains:

We match Hillary voters in blue states with third-party voters in swing states to help them trade votes. Hillary gets more swing votes and third-party candidates get their votes counted.

  • Find vote trading matches and get comfortable, before agreeing to the trade
  • Optionally connect with Facebook or LinkedIn to increase confidence in the trade.
  • Group Chat across members helps coordinate, evangelize and match
  • Help others channel their frusration positively. Spread the word and help save America

This app is offered for free to use “for any Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, Green Party or anyone against Donald Trump for this 2016 US Presidential Election. Whether you are for Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson or Jill Stein, let’s agree on one thing: Never Trump.”


NeverTrump sites nod in approval.

ht/ TB

26 Comments on Is this legal?

  1. I don’t know about the legality. I am not a lawyer. But it seems like a good idea for a Trumpeting lawyer to try to get an emergency restraining order to stop this app from being used until the legality is decided in court. That would be after Tuesday, of course.

  2. Apple is extremely progressive and I wish I could stop using their crap but it’s pretty damn good.
    Otherwise I would tell them I’m done buying their crap.
    But I can’t.
    I would guess it’s illegal or at least not fair.

  3. O.K. These phones are damned expensive. I’m typing this on one now. Turns out Blackberry has a damn cool phone. I suggest everyone migrate to the Blackberry smart phones as they can. We need to kill this shit. Fuck Apple.

  4. Brad- I am about ready to chuck this fucking MacBook out a window. I can’t stand the hoops I have to jump through to reset or patch together or find my programs and apps every time there’s an O/S update. I tossed my iPhone already and you know what? I actually have more time to my damn self now. lol.I can’t stand windows, but Mac ain’t much better.

  5. First I would suspect that this is not illegal as of today. But taken from the perspective of a third party voter, this would be a bad deal. Let’s hope that they can figure this out.

  6. I.E.: If I was a libertarian living in a purple state, I would vote for Hillary if you vote libertarian in a deep blue state? How is that good for the libertarian?

  7. If I wanted to pull my hair out after an OS update I’d be running Windows, thank you very much. Apple is on the decline. It will take some time but you can see it and sense it. They can’t resurrect Steve Jobs to save the day. (SSSSShhh! Jobs was a jerk and a capitalist.)

    You can download the app and then give it a one star review. They do it to conservative books on Amazon-so why not.

  8. They’re basing this on trust, right? Because you can count on a pro hillary voter not to double cross you, correct? And no one is going to follow you into a voting booth to make sure you do what you said you’d do, right?

  9. MJA, I have a gun shop/contractor I sell to, ex Mil, super spooky, Special Forces, Black Opps, Bad Ass MoFo’s. They told me a year ago get rid of that damn I phone and buy a Blackberry. Well I just purchased this one and at the time thought, what ever. After reading this I’m feeling like a dumb shit.

  10. Still rocking a BlackBerry. Sis converted my parents to iPhones. A mini-iPad (that was a gift) is as far afield into Apple terrotory as I’ll go.

    IDK if an injunction could be made fast enough to stop it, were it found to be illegal – it certainly stinks.

    I think that’s the single basic factor that frosts me with the proglib jackasses. No sense of integrity or fair play. I don’t think they’d like to be a part of how it would go down should our side choose to level that particular field. We have long memories.

  11. don’t understand why any reasonable person on the planet uses Apple products, Xfinity/Comcast, Google, Fakebook, etc. …. there ARE alternatives …. don’t support those that only want to use us a batteries … discarding us when we’re no longer useful
    don’t drink Coke, Samuel Adams, any of those that work against me
    … btw, support Yuengling Beer … they endorse Trump!

  12. Of course, Trump supporters could always play this in their favor. Pretend to be a Stein/Johnson supporter who will vote for Hillary, and then don’t. Flood the app with false voters.

  13. Wait, wait. Before we jump to conclusions, let’s ask the ‘blind woman’, ‘lady justice’ our esteemed, Senate vetted, highestegal authority, Loretta Lynch.

    Oh damn, never mind.

  14. The liberal commie courts have found thousands of things legal that were never the intention of the founders.
    Common sense tells you that this is dishonest and deceitful. Basic ethics these morons don’t have.
    The Constitution and Bill of Rights have been misconstrued by liberal bastards to the point they are unrecognizable.

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