Oh, My God! That’s No Turkey – IOTW Report

Oh, My God! That’s No Turkey

Bill Burr went to a Lady Gaga “concert” a few weeks ago and posted a review.  He utterly destroyed me at “it was like gay Spinal Tap.”

Warning:  It’s Bill Burr so lots of F*bombs.

Listen and watch Here

14 Comments on Oh, My God! That’s No Turkey

  1. Just found out last week that Lady Gagger has some long term association with the occultist witch Marina Abramovic the “performance artist” who showed up in the recent Podesta Wikileaks emails about “Spirit Cooking” and parties involving simulated cannibalism.

    As noted in Eph 6, our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.

  2. If good ol Bill Burr was able to watch her whole show he definitely has a higher pain threshold than I do. I got to the gay spinal tap line but that was all I could do.

  3. If I were to wear a meat suit, then I would only roll around in hot coals after properly seasoning it…..a nice marinade, perhaps….Then I would take it off very quickly before my dogs gat a bite of my special purpose…

  4. Just think about it: This assless, titless, big nosed slut is going to BE “THE HALF TIME SHOW” AT SUPERBOWL L1, in February 2017. Fuck the NFL. And fuck the Super Bowl too. I’ll switch back and forth from “Gunsmoke” or “The Andy Griffith Show” and the S/B just to check the score changes and final score I’m in several pools.

  5. Normally I think Bill Burr is a very funny guy, but this time he could’ve saved me 16.5 minutes by just saying, “Lady Gaga f***ing sucks!” one time and letting it go at that.

  6. I wonder if the reason why she hides her face is that someone made a parody video of her “Poker face” song called “Butter face.” It must have struck a nerve. Apparently she does give a fluck.

  7. Bill Burr can be pretty damn funny. This wasn’t one of those times. The more he gets emotional the less funny he gets. He can speak his mind and make points, but funny, not so much. In comedians I tend to look for funny.

    What say you?

  8. Bill Burr is my favorite comedian.
    But, aside from that, he’s sure got Lady Gag figured out.
    That show sounds like torture.
    I couldn’t have sat through it.
    He must really love his wife.

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