I’ve Never Used the Word Cuck Before To Describe Anyone – I Really Don’t Like the Word – Glenn Beck is a Cuck – IOTW Report

I’ve Never Used the Word Cuck Before To Describe Anyone – I Really Don’t Like the Word – Glenn Beck is a Cuck

For the uninitiated to the word cuck, it’s short for cuckold. A cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife. A cornuto contento, in Italian, is a guy who is content that his wife is having sex with another man. He doesn’t care. Humiliation takes less energy than fighting for dignity.

Politically, a cuckservative is a conservative that is content with being emasculated by the political opposition and will happily promote the interests of the opposition because they are, deep down, unprincipled and weak-willed.

Glenn  beck is a cuckservative.



It seems Glenn Beck likes to catch everyone off guard every once in a while with a compassionate revelation or opposition to the conservative mainstream.

The pundit has been outspoken about his dislike for Donald Trump, has criticized Republicans for refusing to consider President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, and he has even urged “empathy” for the Black Lives Matter movement.

And now, Beck — who once said that Obama has a “a deep-seated hatred for white people” — says that the President has made him a better person.

“I did a lot of freaking out about Barack Obama,” the conservative pundit told the New Yorker in a recent interview. “Obama made me a better man.”

Beck said that he regrets calling Obama a racist and recognizes that it’s hard to relate to the experiences of African Americans.

“There are things unique to the African-American experience that I cannot relate to,” he told the New Yorker. “I had to listen to them.”

Beck praised Michelle Obama’s campaign speeches warning of the dangers of Donald Trump, specifically the first lady’s speech in New Hampshire blasting Trump over his vulgar comments on a now-notorious 2005 tape.

“She didn’t say, ‘The government should do X, Y, or Z.’ She said, ‘We,’ ‘Us’—without a political party. ‘We are better.’ ‘We need to stop this,’ ” he told the New Yorker. “It had to do with ‘Who are you as a human being?’ ‘How do you view women?’ Brilliant speech.”

“That was a moment that transcended all political thought,” he added.



ht/ jerry manderin

49 Comments on I’ve Never Used the Word Cuck Before To Describe Anyone – I Really Don’t Like the Word – Glenn Beck is a Cuck

  1. Glenn Beck is officially mentally ill. I doubt his wife is adulterous. I sensed a real weakness in Beck the first time a watched him on TV. The dudes a squirrel. And idiots follow him swirling the big flushed toilet. Like Dana Loesh. She use to be a favorite of Uncle Ted. Now he won’t speak to her. Back to the trailer park Dana you ignorant bitch.

  2. What the actual hell.
    Glenn Beck officially sniffed one ounce too many of cheeto dust. It’s logged in his sinuses and his brain has stopped functioning… either that or he’s always been a lying piece of shit charlatan, even more odious then Breitbart himself described. What an absolutely repulsive waste of DNA. If you look up the word ‘sad sack’ up in the dictionary, you’ll see a photograph of Glenn ‘sitting around the house in his underwear eating Doritos’. [direct quote from the shitpickle himself.]

  3. We all need to contact Sirius and tell them we don’t want to hear any more of this flake. It worked to get Mike Church off the air. They should put Laura Ingraham in his slot. Maybe losing his steady gig there will push him back into the Seagram’s and Seven where he belongs.

  4. After Beck screwed Andrew Breitbart over about 5 years ago–I think it was the Sherrod videos–he said Beck was dead to him.

    I stopped watching, and I actively avoid, anything related to him because I’m sick of his flip-flops and the mental contortions that would be necessary to analyze his babble.

    Now it looks like he’s trying to get someone to bail out The Blaze before it goes up like the Hindenburg at Lakehurst NJ.

    This money hunting evidently includes liberal establishment boot licking via repeating the standard lib bromides about conservatives.

    Fuck him and his pseudo-conservative clown car

  5. Mark my words, you guys. They’re gonna find Glenn Beck in a Dallas gas station bathroom bleeding from the ass, reeking of Stoli, with a bottle of pills not prescribed to him. It’s coming. The boy is toast.

  6. MJA, he will be bleeding from longitudinal cuts on his wrist. The sooner the better, and I’ll do my best for a prayer for his wife and kids. Reasonably sure hey didn’t sign on for his weak sister swan song. Jeez Beck, man the fuck up.

  7. Beck is not alone, he joins that august body of cuckolds:
    John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Bill Kristol, Rich Lowry, Jonah Goldberg, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, John Kasish, George Will, and a hoard of others. So sad. Oh let’s not forget Magyn Kelly, and Joan
    Williams of FOX. So sad that they would rally against Donald Trump and trump that vile bitch Killary.

  8. Not sure what you were trying to say there Menderman. I can guess. I’m selling weapons to a LDS group that are relocating lock, stock, and barrel to Idaho. Great people. Every last one of them are voting Trump.

  9. I really hate to say this. But if Trump isn’t elected this country is officially too far down the toilet to worry about anymore. We had a chance with Perot but the “establishment” (we didn’t know what they were then) made sure we lost and the man who’s every statement, observation, and prediction proved true was forever labeled as a “cook”.

    Now we’ve had an unprecedented second chance, more than anyone can reasonably hope for in one lifetime. Now the “establishment” doesn’t even try to hid what IT is, including Beck who once pretended to oppose it.

    Ryan, Rubio, All of the Bushes, Romney, McCain. . . and the beat goes on, all completely interchangeable with Pelosi, Reid, Clinton and Obama. It is as clear as the sun, yet, if we loose tomorrow the Kabuki will resume and the low information idiots on both “sides” will cheer their champions just like professional wrestling fans.

    Going to bed now. Friends, I hope when we retire tomorrow night we still have a country worth writing about.

    Good luck to us all and Good night.

  10. Beck is a struggling and lost soul. I truly hope that he doesn’t go the way of his mother. However, he needs to just STFU. He is: irrelevant in his attempt at being relevant and; redundant in his redundancies. He needs to quit taking up air time on the Sirius Patriot channel, because time and again, he has proven he isn’t a true, ‘patriot.’

    I’ve seen those in their last death throes and this is a close, living, analogy.

    A big mouth don’t make a big man.

  11. Beck does not see time in a continuous flow, but rather as conveniently selected still snapshots with little or no relation to other events in the past. Also convenient are all the events he does not remember. This makes it possible for him to assign a far higher level of importance to trivial things than they deserve. Like Big Maw’s speech.

    Another aspect of his discontinuous memory is the inability to relate what is happening in the present to what has happened in the past. Whether present events are trivial or not, Beck assigns too hign an importance to what happened today, forgetting that he had a different priority yesterday, last week, last year.

    At some level I feel pity for him, but mostly I’d just like him to shut up and go away.

  12. Beck needs to double his meds and triple his voltage.

    And as for all’y’alls misinformed rants on the Mormon church, he is just one member among millions, very few of whom think and speak the way Beck does. Beck just happens to have a nationwide bully pulpit, and has jumped the rails.

    And as for bad brad’s ill spoken mental meandering, the Mormon church is a world wide church, with members almost everywhere (almost – the exception for the present is in the Saudi peninsula). And with members – and churches and buildings – world wide, don’t you think they’d have money equally as diverse world wide.
    Beck does NOT run the Mormon church or even advise them what to do. Even if he did try to tell the Mormon church what to do, do you think they’d listen? Uummmmmmm………no.

  13. I wish people would stop ascribing what this jerk and anyone like him does as mental illness. Every bit of it is intentional, evil, and self-serving. I refuse to give any of them the benefit of the doubt. Liberalism is more about evil than about psychopathy. Normal people want to do good or at least do no harm. These satan spawn ENJOY hurting others.

  14. Hey, I’m a pretty good cook. On the charcoal grill. After a couple of beers. That’s why I use charcoal, you get time for a couple of beers waiting for the coals to get ‘just right’.

  15. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this is really pretty tragic for Beck. He was such a force for good and I still refuse to forget all that good. So he made few bucks off it, that’s capitalism. And now that he’s breaking up on the shoals of everything that is truly good, he deserves to be criticized. I have no idea what happened to him, but I’m sure he has few friends around him who are worried about him, not to mention his family.

  16. @Perspective — Friday we were told by the nat’l campaign that WA was “in play.” Very exciting news for us. And to be honest, it’s so hard to say just how they came to that conclusion, but our campaign doesn’t play head games with the volunteers so they must have had some good info to go there. We’ve been very quiet about it. Read this morning that NM has gone toss up as of today, too. Trump did two huge rallies here over the course of the campaign, Ivanka and Giulliani just did morning talk radio here. Ivanka did robocalls to women voters. We’ve been on the fine grind doing “WA Persuasion” and “WA GOTV” since last week. Not a lot of pick ups on the phones but those I’ve talked with live are about 2/3’s Trump, 1/3 killery. But I don’t know how the lists were derived so I don’t know if it skews R or a relatively equal mix of voters. Again, as I’ve said before, there are just so many new registrants in this cycle, who the heck knows?! Not the pundits, the pollsters or the campaigns, even! It’s flying blind a lot of the time. All we can do is keep calling and keep praying. Keep praying that all the D registrations won’t vote and all the R registrations will. LOL!

    All to say: I’m ever optimistic about everything, overall. I think God sent us a life raft in answer to our prayers and enough of us have been wise enough to just get in and not quibble waiting for the voice of God, himself. 🙂 You probably know that old joke.

  17. GAAH! His pandering to Michelle Obama makes my teeth grind. “Brillant speech…That was a moment that transcended all political speech.” Transcend this you D-bag. 🙁

  18. I haven’t watched or listened to Beck for years. I gave up on him years before he took toys and Teddy Bears down to the border to give to the illegal aliens. You know the future of the Democrat Party. The children who are going to fundamentally transform our country, by turning it into the the United States of Norhern Mexico. Glenn Beck is headed for the dumpster. Let’s hope he doesn’t get out of the trash bin to bother us again, or contribute to the foreign invaders who are destroying our country.

  19. Abigail Adams, I hope you’re right about Washington. As a lifelong resident of Eastern Wash. I believe that Trump can win in this state, Oregon as well but we’ll see. And if we get extremely lucky maybe just maybe we can get rid of Jay Inslee today. And kill the tax on carbon which is total bs and raise the state min. wage to $13.50 an hr. I love living here and always will but Idaho is so darned close sometimes I feel like I might move there just to stay sane.

  20. A little compassion, here … we should pity and pray for the mentally ill, not belittle and despise them.

    Satan is real. Or, at least, Evil is real. We don’t really need Satan to do Evil – we’re pretty fukkin good at it without him (her?).

    Mr. Beck is being shown parts of the picture, without revealing the entirety, which brings him to different conclusions, than he might otherwise draw. This ties in with Uncle Al’s theory of him perceiving existence as a disconnected series of stills, unable to comprehend the movie.

    He is playing a part in the pageant, but one (perhaps) not of his choosing.

    izlamo delenda est …

  21. Too bad about Beck.
    I liked his Fox series years ago on the Founders and the basics of the Constitution.
    I don’t know who actually wrote it.
    But it was good work.

    I agree, he’s a troubled soul. And like some ew guy babbling on and on at an AA meeting who’s in the first white knuckle stages of trying to dry out, everyone wishes he would
    just STFU.


  22. Thank You AA!

    FWIW I feel pretty good about Wa going red too. Lotta ‘valley girl’ voters here that just follow the crowd to be like everybody else. I think the crowd has changed direction and they’re gonna follow:)

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