Hillary is Asleep – Won’t Concede Tonight – IOTW Report

Hillary is Asleep – Won’t Concede Tonight

John Podesta showed up at the Jacob Javits center to tell the glum attendees to go home. The Clinton camp will not be speaking about the election tonight, the irony being that Hillary is doing what they said Trump would do – not concede.

The Clinton camp is busy, right now, trying to figure out how they can steal this election.

By morning I won’t be surprised if thousands of Clinton votes have been found, in not only Pennsylvania, but in other states that have been called for Trump already.

At the very least they are filing legal briefs to challenge some states.

Hang on, folks, we haven’t seen what the left is capable of yet.



27 Comments on Hillary is Asleep – Won’t Concede Tonight

  1. I ask one thing for now: please stop the talk about leaving the country. Conservatives suffered through either years of Obama and never gave up. So why would you prove yourself weaker than those assholes?

    Daily Koz

  2. “NBC News’ Kelly O’Donnell is reporting, per a source, that Hillary Clinton conceded on the phone with Donald Trump. This has not been confirmed. AP has called the race for Trump, but other news organizations are still waiting on a few key states, where Trump is leading. Trump is due to speak shortly.” -breakingnews.com

  3. I honestly feel she had no concession speech prepared, she was that certain she was going to win. And with the sycophants in her inner circle and press and pollsters and academe whispering sweet nothings in her ear, it made sense in her mind that she would be queen.

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