
36 Comments on DRAPES

  1. They can roll her up in the frikkin drapes … like they did to Vince Foster to carry his carcass to Ft. Marcy Park.

    I’m pretty sure she’s on a nasty drunk, snarling and biting at people, oblivious to the draperies – or much else – other than her rage. She is probably threatening Satan, himself, for pulling one of his tricks, after all the child-sacrifice, perversions, incantations, blood-letting, &c. Even the money doesn’t delight after her defeat at the hands of the “peasants.”

    I hope she gnaws her foot off and dies of gangrene – and that’s the nicest thing I can think of (about her) this morning.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Yep, Tim. I’m with you.

    But – I can’t stop smiling this morning. When I walk out of my office I have to wipe the grin off my face because most, if not all, of the people I work with are libtards. I was warned several weeks ago to stop talking about politics at work. Then as soon as I walk back in my office the grin, like a cheshire cat, returns. HAH HAH

    Plus, I made a bet with someone several months ago that Trump would take Ohio and that Kasich was irrelevant. He now owes me twenty bucks, but if I remind him I’ll get fired. HEE HEE – but that’s okay – a Trump presidency more than makes up for it.

  3. Hey, Hillary supporters, how about that big FU you all got from your Queen Bitch this morning! Wouldn’t even come out and thank you all for your support. Nope, just “GO HOME.”

    Way to go, supporting such a criminal, uncaring piece of shit for Preezy. You got what you deserve.

  4. And now for a little gloating:
    NeverTrumpers – Kiss my Ass. According to Dante, the lowest level of hell is reserved for traitors. Pack your bags.

    Liberal Left – Suck it up, crybabies.

    And to loosely paraphrase a soon to be former First Wookie, “For the first time in eight years, I can be proud of my country.”

  5. Drapes? Those freaking Middle Eastern fabric drapes.I can’t wait for them (all of them) to go. Michelle and HRC are probably fighting over that 7 thousand dollar new dining room table as we speak.
    Any way today’s a new day The sun has come out.

    annie Go Trump Thank You Michigan

  6. @Zonga – re the entrance music:

    “As for Trump’s entrance song? A rendition of the theme song to the film Air Force One, the 1997 film starring Harrison Ford. The score for that film was penned by Jerry Goldsmith, who was also behind the scores for Rudy, Hoosiers, Planet of the Apes, The Mummy, Mulan and many more.”

  7. I have an image in my mind of the Clintons throwing things in bags in Chappaqua right now. Hillary is shreaking at Bill, “I told you one bag you son of a …..! Now get your ass out to that car we need to be on that plane to Brazil right now! Move it you perverted piece of ….!”

  8. @norman Einstein: That’s just wonderful to hear.

    “When the Apocalypse came at midnight…”

    Priceless. Thanks for the link.

    P.S. – Is it possible to die from too much Schadenfreude? I hope not.


  9. @Tony R: Full pardon and American citizenship (if he wants it). Full pardon and Presidential Medal of Freedom for Snowden, too. He put his life and career on the line to expose corruption and lies just like Assange did.

  10. Until such as time as Hillary IS indicted, Obozo cannot pardon her period. So the tactic now is to postpone any further action in court until Jan 21, 2017. Then go for it, position #8 on all throttles for all engines.

  11. Tomorrow, Trump needs to announce he’s selected someone to be the special prosecutor for the Clinton’s upcoming indictment. Then maybe they’ll go into hiding and NEVER be seen or heard from again. And maybe the media will shut up about her and keep them hidden.

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