The Wall Has Begun – IOTW Report

The Wall Has Begun


31 Comments on The Wall Has Begun

  1. So sad to see how CO, where I lived for so many years, changed. So many REgressives moved into Denver and Boulder counties that they came to run the state.

    At least I see they overwhelmingly defeated 69.

  2. In Blue State Oregon, Trump/Pence won 28 counties, some by 70%. Clinton/Kaine won 8, some by only 5%. This is not an impossible dream. We now have a Republican Secretary of State and things may just start to change.

  3. Anyone catch the county country map? The counties along the US-Mexico border voted overwhelmingly democrat. Why is that? I’m genuinely curious. Even in Aridzona. Do these people enjoy illegals streaming across the border???

  4. Colorado and Nevada are both overrun with Californicators, who moved to get away from all the problems that that once Golden State created for itself. Once they made it to a fresh state, they voted just like they did to mess up California. You can’t fix Really Stupid!

  5. Marco, I’m not so sure the reason most of the Californicators, and others, that leave their prog states, do so to get away from prog hell, of which we’re all too familiar. I think they do it for the sole purpose of creating yet another prog hell. Prog cancer if you will… The move probably sanctioned by, and paid for by the vast, very well funded prog apparatus.
    Idk man, I just can’t feature so many people could be so stupid as to continue to support an ideology that has bankrupted and corrupted the place they’re supposedly “fleeing” from. Just a thought…

  6. Dadof4, makes sense I guess. Didn’t think illegals were actually permitted to vote being illegal and all nor did I think they all hung out right at the border. Considering there’s a huge swath of them here in Chicago and other various places, did all legal Americans quit the border counties and move out? Next time to vote maybe I’ll tell ’em, “I’m Jose, you have no papers on me because I’m illegal, now give me a ballot.” And like a revolving door do it over and over again. Somehow I don’t think I’d get so much as one ballot.

  7. @willy, that place looks really good. Wish i could take you up on that offer, but i cant drive long distances. Except for when i head to havasu az this winter, but then i go west thru wyoming and utah.

  8. eternal whip cracker p,
    Immigration criminals aren’t legally allowed to vote, yet they do. Voter ID laws are good, but not in states where immigration criminals can get driver licenses.

  9. Hey Charlie–I live in Havasu year round!! We are nice and insulated from the border crossers but we get our share of California assholes lol. There was not ONE Hillary sign here lol. See ya on McCulloch!

  10. I’m still mourning the loss of NH’s sanity. It’s nothing more now than “Northern Massachusetts”. Good riddance if Ayotte, a pure RINO, ends up lositng. At least NH got a GOP governor out of last night.

  11. @listingstarboard, my sis/husband/kids lived in havasu since 72. I lived in Casa Grande in the 80’s. Been there many times and love it. my bro-in-law has a shop up in what they call donkey acres. I am bringing my kettle corn popper down hoping to do some gigs there.

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