Young Turks Say Trump’s Victory Was Spearheaded By Racists – Crowder Gets Way Louder – IOTW Report

Young Turks Say Trump’s Victory Was Spearheaded By Racists – Crowder Gets Way Louder

Crowder has a rebuttal for the Young Turks. It’s spittle-flecked and has a great payoff at the end.

25 Comments on Young Turks Say Trump’s Victory Was Spearheaded By Racists – Crowder Gets Way Louder

  1. “I don’t want to punish Ford if they put a plant in Mexico and hire Americans,”

    Yea, he’s a NeverTrumper. Pretty fing stupid. And he’s also totally missed Trumps point and a reason a bunch of us voted Trump. Nice Rant though.

  2. The anti black dem/lib/prog groups… The leadership are Still the same people of segregation Jim Crow and and the Klan…They Want racism. They hope if they yell it often enough and loud enough it will piss off enough whites to actually turn a few racist from the constant whining and bombardment of accusations from the left and black leaders. They hope it becomes reality and they can then continue to keep the black people down. Keep them from actually melding with society as a whole.

  3. Funny how the messiah was elected to extinguish the racial divide, yet racial division is all the left is focused on at the end of his tenure, regardless if it exists or not.

    I don’t really care what they call me or my black gun. Go pound sand, my president has been elected.

  4. @Patronis – The general case is that anyone who makes a living from anything in the catgory of “problem” has a strong disincentive to solve the problem because solving the problem would end the job or career.

    The worst specific instance of this is politicians. They have to keep generating whole new problems to justify their positions. They are a plague upon human civilization.

  5. Obama can’t and wasn’t running for President; Hillary Clinton was. Last I checked, Hillary is white and there were precisely zero black people running for President. In fact, the only black person who ran in the primaries was Ben Carson, a Republican who did pretty well for a while and is still respected by conservatives. Other Republican contenders also included a woman and two gentlemen of Cuban descent. The Democrats put up three white guys and a white woman.

    If someone wanted to vote against Obama because of skin color, they did it in 2008 and 2012. But there was no black person on the ballot as a candidate for President.

  6. Wyatt, a most insightful comment. I’d like to give you the keys to CNN or even low ratings MSNBC. You could do good work.

    I’d put BFH as the new press secretary in the Trump Administration.

  7. Unfortunately, in the dictionaries I frequent:

    Down the list of entries (#3 in OED if memory serves well?), you can be called a racist for a preference of one side dish over another. Can you imagine the uproar if you opt for German potato salad over re fried beans!

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