Stacy on the Right – “stop making Trump’s victory a racist thing” – IOTW Report

Stacy on the Right – “stop making Trump’s victory a racist thing”

23 Comments on Stacy on the Right – “stop making Trump’s victory a racist thing”

  1. There is nothing healthy about the obsession so many have with race. If you look everywhere for racism you WILL find it, if only in your own mind.

    Well spoken young lady, the left’s continuous drum beat of racism is projection, pure and simple.

  2. It’s all they have in their playbook. Unless and until the progressive movement brand is damaged so thoroughly this will keep coming back. Trump was going against the progressive movement and the bulk of the progressive movement’s foot soldiers come from within the ranks of the establishment Republicans, the media and the Democrat Party. Unless and until the progressive is damaged this and the rest of the same old shuck and jive is what you can expect.

    This was not a Republican vs Democrat Presidential election, it was a middle America vs the progressive movement Presidential election.

  3. The left’s hatred is misdirected as usual. Who is really responsible for President Elect Trump’s victory?

    All the damn voters that selected him for President. Who are they? You will never know.

  4. This would not have been an “upset victory” had the press reported the truth, the pollsters actually polled a sampling of real Americans and the fraudulent vote did not exist.
    I am not surprised by the outcome.

  5. I believe there are paid rioters, of course there are. We’ve seen this on so many other occasions.

    It would be nice if at least some of the broadcast media would do some soul searching and realize this is their chance to report reality, not their personal snowflake hurt feelings. They believe their own lies and distortions.

    Hopefully low ratings going down to the basement will get their attention and the bleeding heart pearl clutching slanted reporters will be replaced with more objective reality based news reporting.

    What’s the over/under on that?

  6. To you lefties who hate everything.

    I learned early that hating does not hurt anyone or anything. It just hurts you, eats you up, and eventually kills the person you are.

    Why would you do that to yourself?

  7. i’m tired of the real racist implying I am racist.

    even if I don’t like different races of people, why does that make me bad?

    but before we get to calling names, tell me what a racist is or does that defines him as a racist?

    the term gets thrown around too much for us all to be on the same page as to what constitutes a race and a racist.

  8. Exactly! Except for one point. We have too many loudmouth SJWs here in Canada already and the last thing we need is Myley Cyrus and Barbra Streisand. Please! I suggest Mexico if they’re so appalled at Trump’s policies.

  9. General Turgidson thinks Stacy is cute and saucy and wants to buy her a drink @ the officer’s club. I like peppy smarty conservative women of all ethnicities. “Regular operational principles.” This young lady is speaking my language. OK I’ll stop drooling, you get the point, I’m a little giddy after the big win Tuesday.

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