Jane Sanders: ‘Absolutely’ Bernie could have beat Trump – IOTW Report

Jane Sanders: ‘Absolutely’ Bernie could have beat Trump

TheHill- Jane Sanders, wife of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, said Friday that she “absolutely” believes he could have won Tuesday’s election if he’d been the Democratic nominee.

In an interview on CNN, Wolf Blitzer asked Sanders, “Do you think your husband would have had a better chance at beating Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton did?”

“Absolutely,” she responded, “but it doesn’t matter now.”

Bernie Sanders ran to the left of Clinton in the 2016 Democratic primary and was hindered by what his supporters called institutional bias.  read more

16 Comments on Jane Sanders: ‘Absolutely’ Bernie could have beat Trump

  1. Isn’t Bernie’s wife the one that destroyed Burlington College and forced it to shut it’s doors? As I recall when they fired her ass she took a hefty payout but it was too late to save the school after she took on a huge debt with no way for the place to pay it back. Now she figures that Bernie could have won? It’s a little sad to see delusions setting in to someone so young. Maybe Bernie can stop his paper tiger act and tend to her and bring back some flicker of reality to her addled brain.

  2. Double down on communism, because all the other communists just got it wrong. . . unbelievable what we’ve let the youth be indoctrinated to believe.

    It’s time to do more than abolish the dept of education. It’s time to end public education entirely and let the market take over. Those who are worth a shit will get their kids educated, those who aren’t worth a shit will see their kids fail as nature intended.

  3. Bernie would not have won. There is a reason why his supporters were elderly lost hippies or under 35. A campaign about the world being unfair and all the problems being solved with government paying for everything and eliminating the deodorant shelf at Walmart wasn’t going to appeal to flyover country.

  4. In order to give his supporters time to better organize, I think Bernie should wait at least another 20 years before attempting another run at the White House.

    Just to be on the safe side, you know.


  5. Yeah … I get that … the Godless, nihilistic, socialist Lilliputian gonna beat the Berserker … yeah … that was gonna happen …

    “The bigger they are, the harder they … HIT!”
    Ya fukkin moron …

    izlamo delenda est …

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