Can you feel the “disarray” “shake-ups” “chaos””uncertainty” and “turmoil” of the Trump administration? Yeah, neither can I. – IOTW Report

Can you feel the “disarray” “shake-ups” “chaos””uncertainty” and “turmoil” of the Trump administration? Yeah, neither can I.

According to the NY Times we should be worried, very worried. The Trump transition team has ground to a halt and it’s a complete mess and the sky is falling.

In a very short article about the resignation of Mike Rogers, who handed his duties of national security transition team adviser to Mike Pence, the writer cracked open her thesaurus and managed to cram as many scare words into it as possible.

The campaign against Trump before the election was nothing compared to what these cretins are going to throw at him after his “improbable” election.

John Oliver, the Brit with the British teeth, said that “no one was hard enough on Trump.” That will give you an indication on how high the bar will be set on Trump bashing before the guy ever serves a day in office.

Stay tuned. This is going to be brutal.


24 Comments on Can you feel the “disarray” “shake-ups” “chaos””uncertainty” and “turmoil” of the Trump administration? Yeah, neither can I.

  1. NY TIMES is nominated rag sheet of the year, not worth tainting your taint with use. As for a bad teeth brit john oliver, offering his unwanted opinions, stuff it up your brexit, bitch. NEXT!!

  2. What are the basement babies going to do after (if) they get a job and a co-worker gets the promotion that the baby applied for? Will bosses need extra training to cope with Triggly Poos? (whatever her name was).

  3. I saw video this morning where a male “news” panelist said he was “triggered” by something to do with Trump. It’s bad enough when a female college student says it, but a grown man who says he’s been “triggered” needs a quick punch in the throat. Good Lord!

  4. Mr. Trump better take the advice of that guy who used to hand out basketballs and blowjobs before his election …

    he bees knowin some shit, an all, y’all …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Whatever is happening will certainly mean an uptick for the mental health people. I wonder if oblahblahcare covers that?

    Would be interesting to know if those affected by TARD are the offspring of those who were similarly affected by Y2K.

    And, as Dennis Miller pointed out, “There are a lot of people with love in their heart who will wish you dead if you don’t have as much love in your heart as they do.”

  6. Some bimbo on Fox was yammering about the massive job facing Trump to fill 4000 jobs in 65 days, as though it is a game show. This is exactly the same task that faces every new President, but apparently with Trump it is suddenly a critical test of his faltering transition full of chaos and turmoil!

  7. MSM tried to destroy Trump before the election and failed miserably. They will continue to try and continue to fail miserably all the while rendering themselves as irrelevant.

    As joe piscopo used to say when impersonating Sinatra, “I’ve got chunks of guys like you in my stool”.

    Have fun dickcheese. Your paycheck will stop coming very quickly.

  8. The girly libs have a cooter mounted political seismograph that is extremely sensitive to the vibrant, manly reverberations of the nascent Trump administration. They’ll be crawling under desks and cowering in the doorways of their safe places for years.

  9. I’m not worried that President-Elect Trump shitcanned Mike Rogers. He has Mike Pence overseeing things.

    And here’s something to throw in the face of any breathless Libtard who tells you Trump is in disarray. The Filthy Mohammedan Kenyan Savage currently usurping our Whitehouse didn’t fill 75% of the 4,000 jobs….in the first fucking year of his reign of terror! He’s incompetent. He’s a community organizer who hadn’t ever held down a REAL JOB in his entire fucking silver-spoon life prior to stealing the Aught8 election.

    Filthy Mohammedan Savages like him say “inshallah”, meaning “as Satan/Allah wills it”. Obama said, “I don’t have to do shit and Satan will either provide the 4,000 peeps to fill the jobs or they won’t get filled. Ain’t up to me. Fuck it.” That’s why all 57 Mohammedan nations are disorganized, filthy Third World Shitholes.

  10. I forgot to mention that “Community Organizer” is nothing more than a paid shit-stirring protester who extorts unearned advantages from businesses to his followers.

  11. My guess is that Trump is sending out tons of misinformation; so his actual cabinet picks can mull their offers in piece and quite. When I see names like Guliani being forwarded as Sec of State and for AG, I get the sense that he’s just using their names to throw the rags on the wrong scent. Same thing with Rogers/Christie on the transition teams. Feints to hide the real blow when it comes.

  12. My simple advice to The Donald is, go right for the jugular of every pussy critic, out them. let the world know who they really are;
    left wing, socialist pieces of shit. probably pedophiles. Check out Podesta, Reid etc.

  13. Speaking of pussy critics, Shep Smith was all over this at noon today, breathlessly reporting on the “chaos”. A few minutes later during a report on Steve Bannon’s “white supremacy” leanings (lie), Shep was leading the reporter: “you mean like not wanting his kids to attend school with jews?”. Gawd I hate that mincing little faggot piece of shit. I thought I’d give Fox another chance after the election, but I just can’t take it.

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