A Drain the Swamp Poster Child – Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) – IOTW Report

A Drain the Swamp Poster Child – Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX)

This idiot representative, Kevin Brady, clinging to his seat for 20 “career politician” years, has a conservative score of 71%, and a liberty score of 51%.

Trump ran on scrapping TPP and getting leadership that puts the best interests of Americans first. Along comes this idiot and says that it shouldn’t be scrapped, it should be tweaked, renegotiated.

How do you tweak TPP without scrapping it?

TPP is not a trade deal. It’s a set of laws that have been enacted by an unelected panel of socialist euroweenies who can continue to massage the laws, out of reach of our own representatives, whenever they see fit. How do you renegotiate the central core of its philosophy,  to skew the playing field, without saying, “screw this, we are out”?

Why would you even want to stay in this absurd arena unless you’re a dyed-in-the-wool globalist?

Drain this swamp. Start with this shmoe.


13 Comments on A Drain the Swamp Poster Child – Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX)

  1. Dobb’s really took Jim Jordon (Chairman of House Freedom Caucus) to task on Ryan’s “Better Way” agenda; apparently Ryan’s response to Trump’s “Drain the Swamp” approach. Three times in the course of the interview Dobbs swung Jordan back to the fact that Trump is now the head of the party, so why are congressional R’s still touting their own agenda?! And three times, Jordan tried to weasel word his way back to asserting that their “Better Way” was merely “Getting back to work doing what the people sent us here to do.” (!) If the “Better Way” is what that means, they’ve failed miserably; they haven’t been doing what the people sent them to do for a long time. Quite the opposite. I used to like Jordan a lot, and I think that’s why his colleagues convinced him he should be the voice for “The Better Way.” Chaffetz, Lee and the others just aren’t very persuasive anymore.

    Trump is going to have his work cut out for him from this Congress.

    It’s an interesting and highly illuminating conversation:

    Start at the 4:20 mark, if you want to bypass Ryan’s latest pitch.

  2. Looks like he’s the brother from another mother of my rat bastard Congressman, Mike Conaway. Also a big supporter of TPP. Represents big ag and big oil here in w Texas but us pee-ons should look else where when it comes to representation in Congress.

    It was the first time in my life I left my Congressman’s line blank when I voted. Guess what? He got 90%. In my entire life, the only Congressman I have ever come close to believing and could see for myself, that went to DC with the intent of representing my interests, was Tom Tancredo. And he wasn’t even my Congressman.

    Term limits can’t get passed fast enough. These motherfuckers get entrenched so badly that they believe they’re doing the right thing by fucking us.

  3. TPP was designed to remove sovereignty from the United States via the New World Government via the United Nations.

    The USA is the only country holding things up, therefore the USA must be destroyed.

    ….but first, they planned to disarm the citizenry.

  4. Don’t you believe for an instant they “don’t get it.” Follow the money … or the blackmailers. Every stinkin’ one of these traitors knows EXACTLY what they’re doing. No excuses.

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