Wapo Writer: States are a relic of the past. It’s time to get rid of them. – IOTW Report

Wapo Writer: States are a relic of the past. It’s time to get rid of them.

Hillary lost the electoral vote, so natch the leftists have to come up with a solution. An amateur would say, “end the electoral college.” A professional leftist leverages a “crisis” and goes for the gusto – let’s get rid of the states.

What an asshole, to put it bluntly. One of the reasons he floats to justify the dismantling of the republic is that it’s too expensive to run. He’s right, it is. But he’s identified the wrong source of the expense. It’s not the states, it’s the federal government.

He also says that states once made sense when they had separate interests from each other. He points to strip malls in every state to make the case that every state is alike. Yes, absolutely, an agricultural state is just like a seaport state, and shares the same concerns and values because of Walmart and the Dollar Store.

article here


31 Comments on Wapo Writer: States are a relic of the past. It’s time to get rid of them.

  1. Hillary is at +950,000 overall votes in the election.
    When her popular vote lead eclipses 1 million, look for more rage and asswagons like this tool.

    In other news, Michigan has yet to be officially declared.

    Like I said before, if Hillary would have won Florida it would be a 261-261 tie with Michigan winner-take-all.

  2. Why do these ‘liberal thinkers’ all have bad teeth and nappy dirty greasy hair and appearances? Must be a faux-intellectual thing. Get a clue, shitpickle, IT DOESN’T WORK. You are neither intellectual nor relevant. A resume to Moscow State University has been sent for your future job application. ENJOY!

  3. This is the dream of socialism for 100 years.
    This was the purpose and intent of the 17th Amendment, to take the Senate out of the hands of the State Legislatures (hence, the States) and put it into the hands of the media and the populist shills. It was the first step to dismantling the Republic, and now we have seen the further erosion through the Federalization (Centralization) of Education, Wages, HealthCare (ObolaCare), Emergency Preparedness and Response, Welfare, Retirement, Banking, Marriage, Child-rearing, Light Bulbs, Toilets, and a host of other things the Federal gov’t is prohibited by our Constitution.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. This is the kind of person that Nicolas Taleb (of Black Swan fame) called the Intellectual Yet Idiot. A degreed moron who comes to utterly idiotic conclusions based on a lifetime of insulating himself from reality in the cocoon of soft academia and federal government work. He’s utterly clueless about real life, and probably actually believes that anyone west of the I-95 corridor and east of SF not on a college campus is a subhuman, incapable of having another agenda they can enforce.

  5. This idea would just give them another silly way to label people and restrict language. Imagine the states are dissolved yet people still refer to themselves as ” Ohioan” “New Yorker” “Oregonian” the lefties could claim they are triggered by people referring to the Old Country…and it’s racist to do that…because now with no state borders we are all statists.

  6. @Loco – Yeah. Too bad 500,000 of those are dead and/or illegals. We still need investigation into these things because let’s face it, there’s no way that many real people bothered to vote for the Hildebeast. I mean, if the lowlife throngs of paid thugs rioting didn’t vote for her, where did all those votes come from?

  7. Get rid of States? Really!? That’s a wonderful plan! There is some really terrific real estate that would be put to better use than govt buildings in DC and Ottawa and London and…

    What’s that? States as in the states of the United States? Not States as in Canada, England, France, Germany…?

    That’s completely different.

    Never mind.

  8. This guy isn’t stupid, he knowxs exactly what he’s saying. He’s influencing 19 year olds that need remedial math and English after “graduating” from government indoctrination centers.

    The reason for the States is decentralization of power. To prevent exactly what happened in the French revolution 5 years later. He knows that. He knows these whiny brats don’t.

  9. It’s noteworthy that Hitler eradicated the German provinces (States), disrupting social norms and economic alliances, and replaced them with Gau under the direct control of the Party. Funny that this would be the position of the WaPo and the Demonrat Party, isn’t it?

    izlamo delenda est …

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