Barbra Streisand Implores Obama To Take Executive Action and Appoint SCOTUS Without Consent of the Senate – IOTW Report

Barbra Streisand Implores Obama To Take Executive Action and Appoint SCOTUS Without Consent of the Senate

Barbra, Barbra, it’s the way we were, and it’s the way we are – Advice and Consent. It’s in the constitution.  (Article II, Section 2, Clause 2) Look into it.

I know you are evergreen on all things political, but don’t make it sound like every time you open your mouth you send in the clowns.

Mama, can you hear me?

I now you were a woman in love with Hillary, but she’s a memory now. Don’t rain on my parade. Happy days are here again.



29 Comments on Barbra Streisand Implores Obama To Take Executive Action and Appoint SCOTUS Without Consent of the Senate

  1. Geezuz this woman is stupid. I mean painfully dumb. She thinks that her opinion actually counts for something because she’s a successful singer. Even the two lefties on the SCOTUS would shut her down (as well as congress and the senate). What the hell though, let her babble her drivel as it will reinforce peoples opinions that celebrities should be seen and not heard.

  2. This was a masterful little piece of pun-ditry. Hehehe.

    But wait a minute. Aren’t you supposed to be in Australia or something, Bubbie?

    I was hoping this would be the one time the celibritards actually did keep their word. I guess there aren’t enough old gay men down under to keep her in the lifestyle to which she is accustomed.

  3. Careful, Babs. You are edging on sedition. You may want to read up on what that is, and the consequences for trying to incite rebellion and bringing down the Constitution. I know part of what you are attempting is to get libelous statements made in the media for lawsuits, so you can make some $$ again. Better thought is to head for Israel and be a yenta there…. that is if they let you in, which considering how you are now, may not happen.

  4. Helluva lot dumber than it shows. Years ago she used to pen her thoughts on social media. She was lampooned mercilessly for her lack of basic writing ability. On a good day she is at about the 3rd grade level. Had to hire a professional writer. She cannot spell, does not know how to compose a sentence, does not know the difference between two-too-to (or-oar-ore) they’re-there-their. Babs is so stupid she has to cruise thru a ghetto to make herself feel good.

  5. Some old celebrities retire gracefully, and keep their mouths shut and stay out of media by intent. I am thinking of Kate Hepburn. Then some old ones refuse to stop, craving the stage of national affairs the way they do. The problem is they fail to see what they have become, a stumbling old shrew, yodeling with a cracking voice, saggy body, and the effects gravity has on that body, accentuating an even bigger schnozzola as to make you look like a Loon. and act like one as well. Go away madam. You are no long relevant, but instead are just becoming infamous.

  6. This woman has the personality of 100 pitbulls. Going all the way back to 1964 she was known to not care about her fans. God got even and gave her a face so ugly that it’s best not to look, but if you choose to listen, do it carefully. Nutcase would be a compliment.

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