Sessions as AG could mean renewal of Clinton email probe – IOTW Report

Sessions as AG could mean renewal of Clinton email probe

WT: Confirmation of Sen. Jeff Sessions as attorney general could spell trouble for Hillary Clinton through a possible revival of investigations into her private email server and her family’s charitable foundation.

The Republican senator has previously said he was “uncomfortable” with the way the Clinton email investigation was conducted and has said President-elect Donald Trump’s pledge during his campaign to appoint a special prosecutor to review the case “might be justified.”

Mr. Sessions was nominated Friday by Mr. Trump for the nation’s top law enforcement position and, if confirmed, would have the authority to revisit the email probe.

The FBI and Justice Department formally closed the inquiry into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server over the summer, with FBI Director James Comey concluding that though Mrs. Clinton’s handling of classified materials was “extremely careless,” there was no basis for a criminal case.

Mr. Comey announced the probe was being renewed less than two weeks before Election Day in light of new emails uncovered as part of an unrelated investigation into the estranged husband of Mrs. Clinton’s top aide. But days before voters went to the polls, Mr. Comey again cleared Mrs. Clinton, saying the FBI didn’t find anything in the latest emails obtained from Huma Abedin’s laptop that would change his previous decision.

In a Fox Business interview from October, Mr. Sessions was critical of the decision by current Attorney General Loretta Lynch to accept Mr. Comey’s initial determination that Mrs. Clinton could not be criminally charged, saying he thought a grand jury should have been convened in the case.  read more 

17 Comments on Sessions as AG could mean renewal of Clinton email probe

  1. This AG nomination may well motivate BO to pardon HRC, which would help seal his legacy of corruption and overreach.

    Perhaps BO will forget to pardon HRC’s minions and fellow travelers? That could be entertaining.

  2. That would almost be funny if the Manchurian Marxist pardoned all of his criminal cronies and didn’t include Hillary in a final fuck you, but I’m sure the Bitch has way too much dirt on the Øbamboozler for that to ever happen, but just consider for a moment, if opening Pandora’s box was unthinkable, wait ’till they open Hillary’s!
    If they’re smart they’re gonna find that little monkey who pulled the cork outta the Elephant’s ass first!

  3. Maybe Obozo will be to busy preening in front of the mirror and jet setting around the world to give inane speeches to remember to pardon Hillary Clinton. Fingers crossed.

  4. Hillary chose to appear publicly with no makeup, unwashed hair, bloodshot eyes, etc. in order to gain sympathy and have people say she should not be prosecuted because of her poor health. We know she spent days crying and drinking, but you can’t let a crisis go to waste.

  5. I think he has to appoint a special prosecutor not only because he promised to but because there is a huge swath of young (and not so young) people who genuinely believe that the Clintons are victims of a conservative witch hunt. They deserve a chance to see the full evidence of the Clintons incredible history of fraud, abuse and corruption laid out in a non contestable form to realize that damn near everything they been taught as truth has been lies and allow them switch their brains back on. Hell, they may still choose to be Democrats but maybe they’ll work to bring the party back from the darkside.

  6. But didn’t Obama say Hillary did nothing wrong? Why are nutjobs calling for him to pardon her if she didn’t do anything?

    Besides, WHO is gonna pardon OBAMA when that rat bastard is exposed?

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