It’s Pretty Disheartening To See the Anti-Trump Right Agreeing With the Left – IOTW Report

It’s Pretty Disheartening To See the Anti-Trump Right Agreeing With the Left

The Pence/Hamilton Play issue has revealed an even more revolting side of the right who are anti-Trump.

Suddenly the left are sober and righteous when the cast comes to the foot of the stage to call out the Vice-President elect for being a divider who strikes fear into the hearts of “the other America.”

What happened to “Shut Up and Sing”? Now all you read is that Trump doesn’t understand the 1st amendment. Really? That’s the way you’re going to play it for the next four years? Cozying up in bed with the left? You look like assholes.

What is it? Is it that Trump won’t stand for the poisonous atmosphere that the left is trying to cobble together? Isn’t that a quality the right has been longing for since Reagan? Shouldn’t we admire a president cognizant of the prairie fires trying to be lit by the left, and one who has the will to stomp them out as they are lit? I think we used to.

Now these tool sacks want Trump to Shut Up and Roll Over.

I guess if TEDDDDdddd was president and his vice president received the same treatment, and TEDDDDdddd responded by saying that that behavior and message is ridiculous, they would be disparaging TEDDDDdddddd too, no?

No. No they wouldn’t.



14 Comments on It’s Pretty Disheartening To See the Anti-Trump Right Agreeing With the Left

  1. Ah they really have no candidate. They just mention Ted because he was 2nd behind that evil Trump. And that McMuffin guy because he was their last chance to enlightenment and glory. *skies part, unicorns sing*.

    My question to the owners of those NT sites. Are you trying to burn down your websites to collect the insurance?

  2. The #NTers “LOOK like assholes”
    because they ARE assholes…

    …AND Leftists:
    they quit being on the Right
    as soon as they first lifted a finger
    to tip the scales towards Hillary (away from Trump).

  3. To us who are Dr. Tar’s ULTRA-Right, I guess we’re just going to have to take our shocking mandate and MAGA all by ourselves. The rest — whatever they are called — will be eating spiritual hard tack and water in their emotional prison cells for the next 8 years. Their choice; there are no bars on the doors and windows except those of their own making.

  4. At this point, just hearing cruz speak pisses me off. The NT blogs? F’em, they don’t get a click. I gotta get over it but damn, the nt’ers sound like babbling, drunk, angry, liberal, women in olympia, wash at two a.m.

  5. The Left and NeverTrumpers are SCARED that our new President will uphold the LAW, first, last, and always. We who voted for him are scared that he won’t.

    This nation MUST return to upholding the LAW. If we don’t, we’re gone.

  6. @Yakima Al — Yeah, at first I thought so, too. But then thinking about it, he did exactly right. Nothing makes your enemies feel less effective than to know they didn’t hit their mark. I wish Trump hadn’t given them any Tweet time, too.

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