Royal Navy Running Short On Escorts – IOTW Report

Royal Navy Running Short On Escorts

The nation that once “ruled the waves” is running “woefully low” on frigates to escort commercial vessels through danger zones.  While the Royal Navy is planning on adding aircraft carriers and submarines, its current fleet of escort ships is aging rapidly or unable to operate in warm waters.


6 Comments on Royal Navy Running Short On Escorts

  1. As the UK sharia regime told our President Elect Trump to mind his own business and stay out of the UK Brexit affairs. fine. Float or sink on your own. The
    Queen’s crown jewels may buy you one, but not more. Go it alone and watch what’s left of your commonwealth go down the crapper. Then you can really embrace the muslim brotherhood, dumb ass losers!

  2. Doh. During WW I, both Great Britain and the US realized that they didn’t have enough destroyers and frigates to protect commercial shipping. Then, refusing to learn the lessons, Great Britain and the US again realized that they lacked enough destroyers to protect commercial shipping and almost lost the Battle of the Atlantic. The Japanese, also addicted to capital ships in WW II, had their shipping commerce destroyed by US submarines and this was a major factor in their total defeat.

    Navy types are enamored by large capital ships, and frequently forget that the little guys are absolutely necessary to a navy. But the days of capital ships duking it out for naval supremecy has been over for some time, and protecting commerce shipping is more important.

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