Food Stamp Explosion By State – IOTW Report

Food Stamp Explosion By State

Nevada, in the past 15 years, has increased their food stamp enrollment by 641.5%.

Hawaii 76.2%

These figures can be misleading. Hawaii has only increased food stamp usage by 76.2% because so many people were on food stamps 15 years ago there wasn’t that much room for growth.

Conversely, Nevada probably didn’t have that many people enrolled in the food stamp program 15 years ago, so they had a lot of room to expand.

more at ZeroHedge


19 Comments on Food Stamp Explosion By State

  1. I live in the peoples republic of MD (300%).
    I walk around the shopping centers and malls nowadays and wonder “where did all these people come from?”.
    Nobody speaks clear english anymore.
    This has all happened over the past 20 years or so – mostly in the last 10.

  2. Last shopping trip the lady in front of me had 2 or 3 huge turkeys, 3 big hams(stop me if you’ve heard this before) in an overflowing cart full of other holiday prep items. EBT.

    I followed with my few items, paid for with money I sweated for, risked capitol, hunted for customers, cut in my dealer(s) and footed the utility bills(not cheap when you’re melting glass).

    She had so much stuff that she was still loading her car when I came out.

    Oh BTW it was some kind of Cadillac, looked almost new. Big…no huge. And real shiny.

    I climbed into my 13 year old Titan-great truck especially for a first year model, runs like a bitch.


  3. If you want to see where the criminal aliens hide in the shadows go to any mall, restaurant, school, hospital, department store or highway, night or day, and golly gee bubba there they are!

  4. It would be interesting to see the growth of food stamps year by year alongside the population growth (especially if could be determined whether it was organic growth and by immigration growth) to see whether under whose watch most of the growth took place. I have no problem with the truly needy using the food stamp program but if there is rampant abuse taking place with no attempt to police then you’re just asking for trouble.

  5. Thank all the dems for loading up Clarke County (Las Vegas) from Los Angeles. It was 1-2 years ago that there was a report out on the number of EBT cards issued in CA that were used in Nevada and Hawaii.

  6. I have no problem feeding those in need, especially children.
    But at McDonalds?
    Why in the Seven Hells are we paying people to go out to eat?
    That’s an incentive to get your act together?
    Being poor is one thing
    Remaining poor is another

  7. Nevada’s RINO governor gave illegals ‘limited’ drivers licenses. And don’t tell me they didn’t get welfare out of that one way or another. And we also got a huge raise in taxes because of this douche. Republican legislature went along with it.

  8. So did CA, MJA. But like that’s a surprise here.

    Here’s a map for Frisco showing the ATM’s that take EBT’s. Some places of sales shown give cash back on the purchase:

    San Francisco ATM Locator for EBT Cards
    *Device Types: ATM = Automated Teller Machine, POS = Cash Back with Purchase

  9. The explosion of food stamp recipients is directly related to the true unemployment caused by 8 years of over-regulation and the heinous socialistic policies of the Obola Administration.
    It was his aim. His purpose. His intent.

    And the Congress sat on their thumbs while wringing their hands (on the rare occasions they pulled them out of their asses), and allowed this great nation to fail. Sometimes omission is as great a sin as commission.

    At any rate, cowardice is unseemly.

    izlamo delenda est …

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