Biological Male Dominates Women’s Cycling Competition – IOTW Report

Biological Male Dominates Women’s Cycling Competition


A 36-year-old biological male dominated the women’s division of the El Tour de Tucson last weekend, an annual cycling competition in Arizona that attracts thousands of amateur and professional cyclists.

Jillian Bearden — who identifies as a transgender women — won the 106-mile race in 4 hours and 36 minutes, the Arizona Daily Star reported.

Bearden finished approximately 25 minutes behind former Mexican Olympian cyclist Hugo Rangel, who took home first place in the men’s division.

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33 Comments on Biological Male Dominates Women’s Cycling Competition

  1. Hmm. Could this be a way to gut Title IX crap? Have all the men who didn’t make the cut “identify” as women and go out for the women’s teams. The coaches could treat the women stuff as a farm system. Then the good ones can “re-identify” as men and make the switch.

    Just a thought.

  2. Uncle Al. it just goes to show how libs operate. They overdo something stupid in the name of ‘fairness and equality’ and then complain about it when it bites them on their own asses.
    I don’t know about you, but I’m having a great time with this.

  3. On the way in to work this morning, I heard on the radio a discussion about a study showing that men have a shorter life expectancy than women. So, I thought, I’ll just declare myself a woman, and voila! a longer life!

  4. But a “Transgender Division” would be unfair and discriminatory.

    Guess I won’t go into the business of putting tampon vending machines in the men’s restrooms. Might start selling signs to put in the lady’s restrooms reminding them to raise the seat before they tinkle though.

  5. What is the purpose of Title IX? The same government crudes that gave special dispensation to females are the same government crudes that have taken it away with the phony gender crap including showers, toilets and dressing rooms!

  6. So the lefty cheaters ultimate cheat is to reclassify themselves in order to win? They’re pretty good at this cheating stuff. I can’t imagine any man I know thinking he ‘won’ anything that way. Complete fairness would require a separate category.

  7. @RightWinger I actually know one of those.
    College kid, he (now she) is going through the transformation but still into girls. Pretty sneaky way to get into their locker room – although with all the drugs he is taking… I mean she.

  8. The women should pull a Cartman and go out for the Special Olympics and kick some ass.
    This is bullshit.
    Musculature and bone structure is different.
    Chest cavity is larger allowing for larger lungs, thus better respiration.
    He has modified his body to become something (urp) similar to a woman. But he is NOT a woman

  9. This is poetic justice served at it’s best. I only hope that over the next few months a large number of female identified men run rampant through women’s sports winning everything in sight until women athletes (er, real ones) start screaming bloody murder. Then watch the left start tying itself in knots trying to work out rules to stop some of theses transgender folks from competing and the transgender folks heading to court. Then maybe the voters will see how absurd this is.

  10. Good for Shim!! or is it Shemale?..or LadyBoy?.. Perhaps, it was Kaitlyn in disguise? Hopefully they had gender free outhouses.
    Remember kids.. it’s not politically or gender correct to use the term “Sugar Daddy” anymore.. from now on it’s “Glucose Guardian”..

  11. Don’t blame me for the world u created. YOU wanted them to have equality and gave them the power. You. You changed the rules. How do you feel now–especially you liberal women? Happy?

  12. Lololololololololololol.

    Up next…plz bring on the draft our daughters for combat. I really, really, really want to see the kvetching over this horror. Newfound respect for those disgusting and horrible white men? 😈 bwahahaha!

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