Infiniti’s Press Release Calls This Commercial the Start of a “Winter Tradition” – IOTW Report

Infiniti’s Press Release Calls This Commercial the Start of a “Winter Tradition”

Uhh… what “winter tradition” utilizes a tree?

The press release keeps talking about a “holiday tree.”

What holiday?

Infiniti can’t say CHRISTMAS when using all the icons of  CHRISTMAS in their dopey commercial?

And, can you plant a tree in the dead of the snowy winter?

Maybe, but somehow I think the guy’s shovel would be no match for the ground. All around, pretty lame.

31 Comments on Infiniti’s Press Release Calls This Commercial the Start of a “Winter Tradition”

  1. A commercial clearly dreamed up by a lefty with no connection to reality. They don’t know anything about planting trees or how hard the ground is in winter because they’ve never actually done anything like that in their lives.

  2. sorry to break it to ya, but for years we’ve planted our live Christmas trees in the dead of winter – you just have to wait for a semi-warm day……we don’t live in maine, obviously


  3. Looks like you have to be black to get an acting gig in a commercial these days.
    Products that 99% whites use and 1% blacks use still have blacks selling the shit.
    I swear if they did a commercial for a KKK retreat, they would have blacks lounging on the beach.

    I’m not specifically talking about this commercial.
    However, I did see it last night and thought to myself “what a bunch of contrived bullshit!”

  4. If you know anything about planting, always dig a $10 hole for a $1 plant. That means you over-dig it by as much as 10 times the size of the root ball. That gives it the best opportunity to spread its roots and grow.

    They can go back to this tree next year, like the ad says, but it will be a dried up vertical log with brown needles.

    Assuming the hole was dug large enough, evergreens don’t grow but maybe an inch during the first year.

    But the symbolism is if you’re privileged enough to own an Infiniti the land will bend to your desire. Drive wherever you want, plant what you want, whenever you want, and the outcome will always be spectacular.

  5. Sonny-boy’s more ambitious high school friends have majored in “Marketing”.
    “What’s that, Dad.”
    (pause) “Marketing is persuading people to buy crap they don’t really need/want. If they did, you would already be busy with production and sales.”
    Proud that son is struggling to get ‘real’ degree. (science)

  6. Living in mountainous and heavily forested country I am in awe of this guy. He and his puny shovel digging a hole big enough for a root ball in winter soil while dressed for a trip to the mall is inspirational. My wife and I saw the commercial and envisioned a white couple coming upon the site later and harvesting it for a dandy Christmas tree. Post Christmas the tree would have planted on their property…using a back hoe.

  7. Why do blacks always drive Nissans?

    For those that don’t know. Infinity is a dolled up Nissan, just like Acura is a dolled up Honda and Lexus is a dolled up Toyota.

    Around here, if you see a Nissan, there’s a 95% chance there’s a Nagger driving it.

  8. They know just how stupid people can be. All car companies have year end blow out deals, they started advertising way early with the pretense of being warm and fuzzy tree huggers = plant a tree, buy our car.

    Fact is many Jews and atheist now decorate for Christmas. It really bothers me, but what’cha gonna do? Advertisers don’t bother me half as much as those hypocrites do.

  9. My favorite word this week is “pecksniffian”. It’s such a specific and perfect word to describe this commercial and other things the Left does:

    “hypocritically and unctuously affecting benevolence or high moral principles.”

    It originates from a character from literature (look it up), Seth Pecksniff.

    The family (not the Magi) celebrates Gaia (not Christmas) by making up for their carbon crime (sin) of driving a car. The focus is on appeasing and paying tribute to the Earth Mother (not the baby Jesus) who, apparently, only exists wayyyyy out in the remote woods (not a manger in Bethlehem). The tree (not gold, frankincense and myrrh) is their offering.

    It’s Infiniti’s “new tradition.” It’s a bunch of Bah! Humbuggery!

  10. The first thing I noticed, being from Maine, was that they managed to dig a hole in the frozen ground with an itty bitty shovel.

    Whoever approved this is not very concerned with detail.
    If it was someone from Infinity that would be concerning for prosepective buyers.

  11. It’s a P-C “mixed race” couple and she has thick, kinky ethnic-style hair – which can be found in plenty of “white” folk. My son is “white” with blue eyes but literally has afro hair because he’s has Greek-Sicilian-Libyan-Swede ethnic roots. This race obsession has to freakin stop. WE’RE AMIERCAN. ALL of us. If you’re not, God bless you, but go find your homeland.

  12. I laughed kinda hard when I read this because it’s true:
    “I swear if they did a commercial for a KKK retreat, they would have blacks lounging on the beach.”

    OK look, as a Cappuccino American [euro, black, native American] , I do see that in a lot of commercials they are going ridiculously overboard with throwing in mixed races into just about every ad. As if it’s bad to have an entirely Asian family or an entirely black or white family in an ad. I’m not complaining they show mixed families on the teevee, I am saying does EVERY product need to be endorsed that way? Families are not a fashionable and they’re not a fad and it seems to me they’re mocking people for some cash value.
    And here comes infinity. they will top all you advertisers with this: They’re showing a robot mother, a blackanese child, a black father, driving up into a mountain with a tree hooked up backwards on the roof of the car. A car that would no way in hell make it there without a shitload of tire chains, but whatever.

  13. And let me close with this here- It is an advertisers duty to lie. But please lie to us in a believable way. I’m still laughing about that car making it up a mountain with the perfect tree hooked up in a way that would have destroyed it. lol. Dude, I can’t buy your brand just because I’m thinking the people that designed it have never driven a car in their lives. LOL

1 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. What’s that thing portraying the wife in the Infiniti CHRISTMAS Tree Commercial?

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