Does the Left Think They Will Ramrod Hillary Into the Oval Office With Lawsuits and She Will Emerge Unscathed? – IOTW Report

Does the Left Think They Will Ramrod Hillary Into the Oval Office With Lawsuits and She Will Emerge Unscathed?

I’m getting a little sick of the fever dreams of leftists that think Hillary is a couple of lawsuits away from grappling the oval office from Donald Trump.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Hillary is not going to pursue this route because she realizes that she will ultimately end up, at the very least, impeached or in prison.


This is a republican controlled hill, having secured the senate and the house. Trump has sent out a beacon to Hillary,”we’re going to move on, we won, we have control, we are going to put you in the rearview mirror and focusĀ on putting Americans back to work, healthcare, border security, SCOTUS picks, etc.”

The message comes with a built-in warning- Let well enough alone. You’re lucky you’re not under the prison.

I’d be shocked if the Hillary camp continues with their “I can still win” attitude.


22 Comments on Does the Left Think They Will Ramrod Hillary Into the Oval Office With Lawsuits and She Will Emerge Unscathed?

  1. At this point, and particularly with a Republican Congress, I think Hillary is focusing on a Presidential pardon. When you start cleaning the closets, you had better make sure that the skeletons you find aren’t yours. Hillary had her shot with the voters, but litigation is more fact intensive and she is likely afraid of the scrutiny.

  2. They really should go after Florida.
    If Hillary took those 29 electorals from Trump it would be a 261-261 tie.
    Then steal Michigan’s 16 and BOOM, madam president.

    Good luck with that you crow.
    This aint Haiti where you can go in to a ravaged country and strip what value is left.

  3. She and her proxies did too much cheating, and too many illegals voted, for her to bring up recounts! She has enough trouble already. If that was too happen it would have happened, I think, right away. She lost because the polls and the results were scrutinized enough she did not successfully cheat enough. I don’t think she received as many votes as are represented.

  4. If she is not totally delusional, she will know the auditing of votes will show her hand in cheating, and rather than let it go and pass into the night, will insure her going to prison. The fevered miscreants who are driving this are led by that old skunk Soros. Focus on finding his old tainted ass and pop him.

  5. If you really want to take her out, let DJT pardon her, Bubba, and the demon spawn Chelsea Hubbell at the same time. Not only does it effectively kill the crime family (which is already on life support now that she’s merely a civilian), but neuter Chelsea’s political prospects before she has a chance to find out if she has any.
    What are they going to do–refuse the pardons and proclaim their innocence of any and all wrong doing (including paying for “Diane Reynolds'” wedding and some yoga pants)?

  6. Oh, and I’d use the prospects of prosecution/pardons to hondle for my cabinet and SCOTUS picks….after all there is a statute of limitations that hasn’t yet expired for them to worry about.
    Just sayin….

  7. These “computer experts” supporting Hillary have probably themselves hacked the systems in various ways that would make auditors think that there are problems…. setting her up to win. Their desperation is driving them to extraordinary lengths…..

  8. There are so many existing venues for the prosecution of the Clintons the washing of his hands by Pontius Trumpus should be construed as theater.
    Her world is in ruins, nobody with two brain cells to rub together believes her anymore, her husband is a cad, her daughter is dumb and ugly, her true believers have outed themselves as violent bigots, the Prog agenda is in ruins.
    I feel she is pretty much imprisoned in her own mind already.
    Bye Bitch.

  9. Trumps “compassion” is rooted in avoiding an Obama pardon for her. Soon after Sessions is sworn in as AG Hillary will be indicted. Trump doesn’t control the AG and he knows it. Call it plausible deniability.

  10. Hillary doesn’t have to steal the election, we’ve got Donald to do that for us.
    Then again, if he says he’s not going after her, Obama probably won’t try to ‘pardon’ her. After January, she’s still bait. One can hope, anyway.

  11. Never forget that we’re talking Hillary here. She’s not only a criminal and an asshole, but she’s a tad stupid too. So don’t underestimate the Clintonian desire to try any stupid ass trick they can possibly think of to get her in the White House. They’re that fucking crazy and corrupt, and so is most of the DNC too.

  12. Let 0bama pardon her. Pardoning implies guilt. Watch her foundation fall apart. She’s screwed either way.
    Our focus needs to be on Chelsea after January. Because you just know they’re going to take a chance at running her for something in NY.

  13. @hungjumper & burner ~ totally agree … what I’ve said all along ….
    1) FBI is STILL investigating … shutting down the Clinton Crime Family Shakedown Organization may be enough to slake public appetite
    2) Trump knows it’s not up to POTOS to investigate … up to AG to appoint Independent Investigation
    3) Obama is more reluctant to pardon if Trump, at this time, shows no interest
    4) Trump doesn’t need this battle at this moment; he’s not in power to control anything … every day is a day closer to the anointment … patience is a virtue
    5) the bitch & her world are melting faster than the Wicked Witch of the West at the moment

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