Gov. Nikki Haley Accepts Trump Offer to Be Ambassador to United Nations – IOTW Report

Gov. Nikki Haley Accepts Trump Offer to Be Ambassador to United Nations


South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has accepted Donald Trump’s offer to be his ambassador to the United Nations. In a statement Wednesday morning, Haley said “I always expected to finish the remaining two years of my second term as governor,” but added she was “moved to accept this new assignment” out of a “sense of duty.”

“When the President believes you have a major contribution to make to the welfare of our nation, and to our nation’s standing in the world, that is a calling that is important to heed,” Haley said, adding that she “remain as governor until the U.S. Senate acts affirmatively on my nomination.”

Haley, 44, is a two-term governor who initially backed Trump rivals Sen. Marco Rubio and then Sen. Ted Cruz during the GOP battle for a White House nominee.

She is the first woman in the state’s history to hold the role and the first woman picked by the president-elect to serve in a cabinet-level position.

The daughter of immigrants from India, Haley served three terms in South Carolina’s State House before winning the governorship in 2010 and again in 2014.

Haley’s limited foreign policy experience is likely to draw scrutiny during her Senate confirmation hearings.

If confirmed, Haley would succeed Samantha Power, who has served as President Barack Obama’s U.N. ambassador since 2013.


Yes,  Samantha Power’s extensive foreign policy experience really served America’s interests well.

23 Comments on Gov. Nikki Haley Accepts Trump Offer to Be Ambassador to United Nations

  1. We don’t want a UN. Stop funding it. I don’t treat this as good news. Unless the end goal is to shut it down.
    DJT is a Manhattan RE mogul…….what a great piece of,property that would be for Vets/hospital.
    Or anything. EPA. NEA, NEA, IRS……a few hundred more. Get. Rid. Of. Them.

  2. Maybe Trump is just getting her out of his hair and making room for a real conservative as governor. He doesn’t have much faith in the UN, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he gets the US out of the UN – and then she won’t be governor either.

  3. Who in their right mind would consider being Ambassador to the UN a step up from being a Governor?>

    Someone who values the UN?
    Haley probably does, which is the first clue that she’s not
    a conservative.

  4. The Lt Gov of South Carolina supported Trump from the start.
    This is a smart move. Get this RINO out of the way at the UN which is as about as useful as tits on a boar and put in place McMaster.

  5. There’s more chance of eliminating Social Security than getting the U.S. completely out of the U.N.

    Realistically, it ain’t gonna happen.

    That being said, however, the level of seriousness and esteem that the Trump Administration displays toward the U.N. is entirely up to the Donald.


  6. @Del Left, of course it was, three checks in a Prog box.
    Not white: check
    Woman: check
    Not a Trump supporter: check
    I keep telling you folks, Trump is playing 3D chess with Mr. Spock while the Progs are losing at checkers to a 3rd grader.
    What harm can she do at the UN, Sam Power is an idiot, look what she accomplished, not a damn thing.

  7. It is always possible that, despite her saying that she always thought she would serve out her term as governor, that she requested the appointment. Trump’s official comments about the nomination focus on her record of job creation in her state and stresses this: “She is also a proven dealmaker, and we look to be making plenty of deals. She will be a great leader representing us on the world stage.” Who knows what he means, exactly, but I suspect and hope he means to refocus U.S. involvement in the U.N. from the current chumminess with One World Order globalism to reestablishing America’s unique standing in the world as a jealously sovereign nation with its own interests. Haley will be in the hot seat. That’s good. Maybe she’ll think twice about cheap speechifying.

  8. “Haley’s limited foreign policy experience is likely to draw scrutiny during her Senate confirmation hearings.”

    Hmm… wonder if they will confirm her?
    Isn’t she the tool that got rid of the confederate flags? Yeah, she’d be perfect for the UN.

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