BLOOMINGton Idiot – IOTW Report


Bloomington renames Good Friday for the sake of “Cultural Sensitivity.”

The stupid is crunchy in this one. And even Todd Starnes, the Fox News writer, misses an obvious rebuttal.


Whenever you hear a liberal talking about cultural diversity and sensitivity it normally means something insensitive is about to happen to Christians.

The latest case in point: Bloomington, Indiana – the home of Indiana University and a nesting place for a gaggle of intolerant liberals.

Mayor John Hamilton recently announced that are renaming two paid holidays for city workers — in an effort to respect “differing cultures.”

Columbus Day will henceforth be known as “Fall Holiday” and Good Friday will be known as “Spring Holiday.”

Mayor John Hamilton told Fox 59 the name change will “better reflect cultural sensitivity in the workplace.”

According to our Fox television affiliate — some folks around town got upset when City Hall posted a closing sign referencing specific holidays.

“As a mayor we are in charge of government. We do not set religious policies, we are not supposed to be part of religion and we are just trying to make sure that our government is open to all people and inclusive,” the mayor told the television station.

And apparently the only way to achieve cultural diversity and sensitivity is by disrespecting Italians and Christians.

“It was not necessary and just stands to divide rather than unite when it comes to Good Friday,” the Herald Times wrote in a staff editorial.

The newspaper said a case could be made for changing Columbus Day.

“To some in our country the idea of celebrating him is akin to celebrating a marauding invader who sought to destroy a culture,” they wrote.


Placating immigrants who aren’t at all interested in being part of our culture is like being marauded by invaders.


But Good Friday?

“It’s a day important to the faith of many in this country,” they wrote. “The idea of acting as if city leaders don’t acknowledge its existence and would rather stick a “Spring Holiday” name on it is insensitive to those for whom it means a lot. It’s an unnecessary poke in the eye to many Christians.”

Well said, editors!

Mayor Hamilton may not be aware but Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday. It’s about remembering that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.

Good Friday is a holy day — not a day to frolick around a maypole in a field of pansies.

And to be honest – I’ve grown weary of boorish bureaucrats trying to whitewash our faith from the public marketplace all in the name of tolerance and diversity.

They never touch the Muslim holidays, do they? When was the last time you saw a liberal lawmaker launch a crusade to rename Ramadan?

You’d have a better chance of spotting Peter Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail.

14 Comments on BLOOMINGton Idiot

  1. If it’s ‘Spring Holiday’ then it would be on, say, the 3rd Friday in April every year. Instead of the Friday before Easter. Don’t schedule something based on specific rules of the calendar and deny it’s because of those rules. Do they do the same with Yom Kippur?

  2. Did Debbie Wassershits Shultzy go back to Indiana U? Maybe there is a wholesale outlet for used frypan grease she can pipe into her new house for her hair pommade. I’m sure they will give her a proctor job oogling the kids while they try to get their liberal indoctrination propaganda.

  3. That’s very ‘Dayist’ of him.
    There are twelve perfectly good hours at night, what are they? Chopped Liver?
    Are they somehow less worthy of notice?
    And this Spring holiday? I detect the dark hand of ‘Seasonism’ at work.
    Fall? Fall? As in Down?
    That’s Downist
    I think they should be numbered. Like: Holiday #6,
    And we better re-name those Days and Months while we’re at it.

  4. I know the best way people who are offended by a holiday can show their displeasure. Don’t celebrate it. that’s right, go ahead and volunteer to work on Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, etc. That’ll show us stupid Christians a thing or two. And to show you that I’m not a hypocrite like those on the left, I hearby volunteer to work on Kwanzai or whatever that made up holiday is.

  5. Mayor Hamilton sure is a Northern Hemisphere supremacist. It is appalling how he ignores the inclusion of the immigrants south of the equator. I demand that he recognize their seasons equally!!!


  6. “The World is trying the experiment of attempting to form a civilized with non-Christian mentality. The experiment will fail; but we must be very patient in awaiting its collapse; meanwhile redeeming the time: so that the Faith may be preserved alive through the dark ages before us; to renew and rebuild civilization, and save the World from suicide” (T. S. Eliot, Lambeth Conference 1930).

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