Bread and Milk Guy Ticked Off By Black Friday – IOTW Report

Bread and Milk Guy Ticked Off By Black Friday

Bad Language – ht/ Rob e.

12 Comments on Bread and Milk Guy Ticked Off By Black Friday

  1. I think I was married to his less mentally stable sister.

    Wat is it wit you New Yawkas? If someone tied his hands behind his back he would be a mute.

    And a pro tip for ol’ Vic …… take your foot off the brake pedal and the seat belt will release itself.

  2. My wife and all four daughters left the house at 2300 last night to go shopping. With one daughter finally out of the Army this is the first time in quite a while that they can all do this. They did it for years BTA (Before The Army) and they got such a kick out of it. The shopping wasn’t that important, all of them being together and having a good time is.

    It’s 0900 the next morning and they’re still not home. Heh.

  3. “They’ll probably shoot the balloons and everyone will sound like the munchkins!”


    Oh, by the way; I bought something online on Wednesday. I received some found money and decided to replace the winter boots I lost 5 years ago. They were on sale and I didn’t realize until after I finished that it was part of “Black Friday” week. Now I feel soiled!

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