Hillary, Again, Bumps Into “Ordinary” Citizen While She Is Out Doing Ordinary Things – IOTW Report

Hillary, Again, Bumps Into “Ordinary” Citizen While She Is Out Doing Ordinary Things

We posted about Hillary randomly bumping into a woman walking in the woods, but it turned out she knew the woman well.

Everything About the Clintons is Phony Baloney – Post Election Photo Most Likely Staged

It’s happened again.

This time Hillary was out in a supermarket. (Ya, right. She hasn’t shopped in a supermarket in decades.)

She bumped into a random citizen and they took a picture. Turns out she knows this one well, too.

Do the Clintons calculate EVERY MOVE THEY MAKE?

I’m not sure if I’ve figured out the benefit and the angle to these staged events.


ht/ nm


32 Comments on Hillary, Again, Bumps Into “Ordinary” Citizen While She Is Out Doing Ordinary Things

  1. I have a theory, she is absolutely despicable and completely fucking nuts. On top of that she is a calculating criminal that can’t let go of her thirst for power. Not a pretty picture.

  2. I can only hope that the random sightings get more and more random….until she dies a painful and meaningless death in a random bumper car accident at the amusement park…

  3. Hey, be fair now. Maybe she was out turning in the empties she accumulated since election night. After all I suspect the hanger ons and sycophants are deserting her droves and she can’t waste any money because she’s broke again doncha know.

  4. She’s a control freak. I used to work with a compulsive liar who was also a control freak. I got to know her well enough to get the impression that she had been molested by someone in the family, most likely her father. I’ve suspected this same background applied to Hillary for some time. People like her aren’t born IMO, they are made.

  5. Every move is stage-managed because they are not “real” people.
    They have no existence other than in front of a camera.
    Like most Hollyweird Celebtoids and Politicians.

    Without adulation they just sit and stare … and drool.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Notice that Hillary’s hair is clean and styled – unlike her speech the week after the loss or the July speech to the American Legion. This was no random walk.

    She is being presented to the public as a grandma – shows her age with no makeup but takes care about her appearance otherwise.

    What monster would insist on jail for Charlotte’s kindly grandmother?

    I would not mind in the least learning that Hillary met her demise behind bars but would be satisfied if, at the very least, every unethical, illegal and immoral thing she did was laid out unequivocally for this and future generations.

    The Clintons and their enablers must be discredited forever.

  7. Premptive pics snaps to show-Hillary is an ordinary American just like your…Grandma…as she plans and plots her 2020 comeback. These will be used in a video later. Next time she thinks she can get 98% of the female vote-since all these spontaneous snaps are with millennial women (no men so far).

    I know the Clinton Foundation funds are drying up but she should still employ her stylist and make up artist. Really.

  8. These look like Photo Ops set up specifically to keep her in the spot light, kinda low level. Meanwhile Jill Stein is doing the DNC Bidding to float the Idea of a recount. Jill Play’s an gets to keep the money.After all Bernie got a nice House an a new Car eh?
    Oh ..and the no make-up look? Your supposed to feel sorry for her.

    annie Go Trump

  9. scr_north November 25, 2016 at 2:36 pm

    On a more serious note I wonder whether our Hilly is a classic sociopath. Here’s a link on how to spot one. She seems to fit most of the criteria and if so, the world just dodged a bullet.


    Sounds like Hillary and Obama have the same traits.

  10. Relax. Cut her some slack. She’s just out celebrating her popular vote majority. She’s actually the President of New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Minnesota, Virginia, Oregon, Washington, California and a few other yet to be awakened blue states. Just watch her pardon herself and Huma. Billyboyo might not get a full and complete pardon unless he coughs up some of that Clinton Global Enrichment money. As they command you at Denny’s: ENJOY!

  11. In a Snapchat world, the Hildebeast is trying to stay relevant. Little does she know it will be “Hillary who?” soon. Leftist tools that voted for her only care about access to the government giveaways she promised – not her. Hellary is ghosted socially and Obama is still a leftist crush.

  12. The staged photo ops are a symbolic middle finger to the public. Everyone knows she should be going to prison. The photos say – up your, I’m out walking around free as a bird doing all the things the law abiding people are doing.

  13. After the townhall meeting where Lauer asked her questions that were not campigned approved, it was reported after thrwing water on Doona, she screached “We’ll all hang if he gets elected!”.

    She is looking for sympathy for when her whole world crumbles after the CGI is exposed by the FBI.

  14. I really think Hillary is in a Stage Three mental meltdown.
    Instead of sitting around the house feeling sorry for herself, she has to get out and pretend that, in some small way, she’s still relevant.

    Well, Hillary…guess what.
    You’re not.
    Now go away and knit booties for your grandchildren, or something.

  15. Has she given up her SS protection detail? If so, I haven’t heard about it. How in Hell can anybody get selfie-close to her through her security cordon?

    She seems to be pathetically trying to stay in the nooz. If so, I have a suggestion for you, Death-eyes. Commit suicide in a way that your body is never found, and no one can be sure if you’re really dead or not. You’ll be in the news for a long, long time and may become as famous as Judge Crater or even Jimmy Hoffa.

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