Trump Picks K.T. McFarland for Deputy National Security Adviser – IOTW Report

Trump Picks K.T. McFarland for Deputy National Security Adviser

NYTimes — President-elect Donald J. Trump on Friday named K. T. McFarland, an aide to three Republican White Houses and a frequent Fox News commentator, to the position of deputy national security adviser, as he continues to fill his foreign policy staff with aides who have hard-line views on the fight against terrorism.

Ms. McFarland, like Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, the president-elect’s choice for national security adviser, has been highly critical of President Obama’s approach to combating terrorism, saying he has not acknowledged the threat that global Islamism poses to Western civilization.

Ms. McFarland’s selection comes as Mr. Trump and his team remain locked in a debate over appointing a secretary of state, the most important foreign policy job in the administration. Aides to Mr. Trump have said a decision on that post may not come until next week at the earliest.

The dispute centers on whether Mr. Trump should select Mitt Romney or Rudolph W. Giuliani for the cabinet position. It remains possible, Mr. Trump’s advisers said, that the job could go to someone else, like Gen. John F. Kelly, a Marine who led the United States Southern Command under Mr. Obama.

Rival camps within Mr. Trump’s orbit have split over the decision, tracing many of the same battle lines that divided the Republican Party in its bitter struggle over Mr. Trump’s nomination.

Some Republicans with Mr. Trump’s ear, like Newt Gingrich and Stephen K. Bannon, the president-elect’s chief strategist, have voiced concerns that Mr. Romney’s vehement opposition to Mr. Trump during the primary campaign raises questions of his loyalty.


Here she is-

13 Comments on Trump Picks K.T. McFarland for Deputy National Security Adviser

  1. It’s interesting to note that Trump is allowing the debate on SecState to continue. Everybody gets their opinion on the table and he can choose the best candidate. Gingrich makes a good point on loyalty though. Nobody needs another Colin Powell.

  2. Other than the New York Slimes, which simply states “Donald Trump announced..”

    But, just as happened with DeVos’ appointment, Wikipedia’s entry for McFarland precedes any announcement from Trump’s transition website and both his Twitter and FB accounts.

    Just so you know~

  3. Great interview, obviously a very intelligent woman who knows what has happened and what is happening and what needs to happen. The host was very well informed and articulate as well. Thank you for linking this interview.

  4. K.T. is a great pick. However, I will miss her on Red Eye. She was always one, even if the rest of the panel were “meh” to me, I’d watch just to hear what she had to say.

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