Will There Be an Armed Revolution If Hillary Steals This Election Away? – IOTW Report

Will There Be an Armed Revolution If Hillary Steals This Election Away?

60 Comments on Will There Be an Armed Revolution If Hillary Steals This Election Away?

  1. If there was I would sign up in a heartbeat. But there won’t be. There won’t even be any riots. Our side happens to be filled with the law and order types. We don’t know how to riot.

  2. It isn’t going to happen. The math doesn’t work. And if it did dis happen then this would be a true Castro like banana republic except Hillary has no army. They hate the bitch for good reason. Contempt from her towards them over her lifetime results in contempt from them.

  3. Trump showed that cunt mercy and this is how she repays him. He needs to utterly destroy the Clintons. Do not leave one stone atop another of the Clinton Foundation. Complete scortched earth. I wouldnt be surprised if Ryan & McConnell are also involved and they need to be brought down too

  4. I don’t believe there will be a civil war in the shooting sense, save for isolated deserving targets. I believe there will be very wide-spread, very adamant rebelliousness and resistance to the point where it will be impossible for many of the day-to-day govt tyrannical and oppressive practices to be carried out.

    My guess is that the closest thing to shooting battles will be irate freedom-loving Americans blocking the way – roads, buildings, etc. – and telling govt and quasi-govt people trying to get by that they’d be better off just turning around and going away. Being largely cowards, most would do just that. But not all, I’m afraid.

  5. With our armed forces, law enforcement and at least half the country against Obama?

    FIFY. Nothing will happen until the concentration camp ovens are going full bore and flames are licking at the feet of the producing classes.

    It is easy, but time consuming, to challenge the Democratic party voter fraud in the cities w/ just absentee and provisional ballots that can be tracked to one person. Then there are dead and ineligible voters to track down. Challenges to election precincts with greater that 100% voter turnout (stuffed ballot boxes). Philadelphia is notorious for this.

    A rigorous recount will only end up increasing Trumps margin of victory.

  6. Not going to happen. Here is what is going to happen Hillary is going to piss off both Trump and Obama. Obama is going to refuse to pardon her, and Trump is goin to change his mind about appointing a special prosecutor to go after her. It’s a lose, lose proposition for Hillary, but she is not known for her high IQ.

  7. The sheep will bleat.
    But they’ll also be shorn.
    Some will be taken for mutton, as examples to the others.
    Americans are too fat, too lazy, and too comfortable – just look at the past 8 years – if that wasn’t enough to inflame revolt, what the Hell could HRC add to it?

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Shazzamm Goob….Right before this holiday weekend I just passed another background check and this shiny thing came with another couple of brick of brassy lookin’ thingy’s…

  9. It won’t happen, but if it did, there will be a lot of perforated progs. Nice phantasy though.

    I don’t think PA will allow a recount. PA conducts an audit and if things look OK, and they can’t cite specific fraud, they Won’t do it, so it is moot.

    Even if they do, I suspect the cheat precincts in Philly & Allegheny already voted near 100% , so there isn’t a way to come up with what is necessary to overcome 70,000 votes. She won those 2 counties by 570, 00.

    She lost most of the other counties, and many by large percentages, so they aren’t find anymore Hillary votes outside those two counties.

    Game over progs!

  10. No, there won’t be.

    A thought I heard expressed recently: the Leftist controlled Fed could use the word “militia” in a completely backward sense to suddenly and expansively arm the brownshirts who are now only able to block roadways and such, thereby automatically identifying all law-abiding conservative gun owners as enemies of the state. Nature takes its course and at THAT point all bets would be off but short of that…no.

  11. It comes down to the Electoral College and if ‘they’re’ willing to risk it. My great grandfathers were willing to risk it 240 years ago.

    I and others will continue to defend the republic and hopefully, short of armed insurrection (unless unavoidable) and accomplish the same end goal. But… This has more to do with than the electoral college.

    This is about the risk to American families and what is/will occur in the streets created by dingle berry. That in itself will be the game changer when good citizens have had enough. Dingle Berry, you built this and we are on the cusp, a planned cusp, but a cusp nonetheless.

    However if that changes, I am willing to adapt and overcome.

  12. The other day I saw as The Liar in Chief’s Chief Liar Josh Ernst getting ready for a press conference. As he was walking up to his podium, someone asked him something about a recount. Without missing a beat he just quietly said ‘no the election’s over, it’s a done deal’. I don’t think Obama will allow it because he may be exposed is things get out of hand.

  13. Here’s why i think something might happen, and normally I would agree the average conservative is to fat and passive to try anything. Trump has the backing of every Federal, State, and Local police organization/union I’ve heard about. They don’t like what the left has done to them. Throw in a few redneck militias (sometimes these two groups overlap), a dash of just plain old pissed off patriots and all your missing is some sort of command control leader ship. I talk to a lot of LEO in my business and this will not go over well.

  14. I was surprised H didn’t do this earlier and the thing that came to mind at the time is that the computer ballots are correct and the paper ballots were stuffed by 5% and she knew a recount would expose that fraud.

  15. It’s not just the democrats warming up to overthrow Trump. Stupid GOPe assholes will think this is their opportunity to. The stupidity of the GOPe during the Obama years has been profound. They’re weak, delusional assholes. For a good reference, just look at that closet faggot Lindsay Graham.

  16. That Jillie Stein would not hustle her ass for Hilldabeast without recompense, i.e. you can keep what is not spent in all this. So she is just a poitical whore. I knew Trump trying to be nice to Hillary would not be returned in kind. Trump needs to move his mental processing as businessman to overlay the political games. I hope his strategists are planning a full recoil directed to Hillary Monday. To keep silent, to bury one’s head in the sand, is to lose. America wants to see a fully charged Trump on the war elephants like Alexander the Great. Go into these states with lawyers, watchers, local police, and show of force to keep it an honest endeavor. NO boxes of newly minted (discovered) votes to be alllowed. Examine and see how many are in the same handwriting, fictitious names, dead people, and toss them out regardless of who they voted for.

  17. what ever happens will happen- it’s not in our hands or control- you have to have faith that whatever HE decides will happen. It don’t matter to me- I am just pass’n thru here on my way to a better place. peace.

  18. The clintons are good people and need to heal? He gave them a chance to bow out gracefully.

    Now it’s time to take the gloves off.
    trump and co. have copies of the sex trafficking and pedophilia pics and videos.

    note to HC and her perverted inner circle: leave the country or they go viral.

  19. Hell, it would be such a one-sided fight.
    These snowflakes can’t even listen to “Sweet Home Alabama” without wetting their pants!
    All we need to do it trigger them into a quivering mass of hurt feelings and send them to their safe spaces, then lock the door.

  20. I’m betting they would be some bounties put upon the severed heads of any tyrants who would be stupid enough to try to steal the win from the rightful winner, Donald Trump.

    Recount the states where hillary claims she one. That bitch is full of shit, and everybody knows it.

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